The Weight Of Secrets and Sins

[Adrian's POV]

Adrian sat on his bed, his legs bouncing up and down while he had his hands clasped together between them. His mind was in turmoil, split between telling Aaron what he knew about the Northern Death Squad and keeping his mouth shut about it. He had no evidence to back up his claims. He only had Raymond's words to rely on and that's not enough.

No. Even through Raymond, Aaron would jump on Russell's case given his interest to pursue the Northern Death Squad. Ideally, he could capture them and sent Russell to jail if he proved his affiliation with that group. It's a win-win for all of them.

But what if that's not the case? What if telling Aaron meant sending him to a battlefield he could not survive this time? What if Johan got caught in the middle because of his relation with Russell? No matter how much he racked his brain, the consequences outweighed the positive results he might gain.