The Root Of His Fear

[Johan's POV]

Crouched beside a coconut tree, Johan stared down at the murky water of the fishpond that reflected the afternoon sun. Days had passed since he came home with Russell and he was close to committing a mass murder of fish because of boredom.

Scythe, however, was having the time of his life exploring his new surroundings, fascinated by the fish jumping in the water. The cat must be thinking of committing a mass murder of fish too, but for an entirely different reason.

It must be nice to be a cat.

He knew a lot of people would die to have this serene life away from noise and pollution, surrounded by trees and fishponds. It's not that he didn't like nature, but he grew up seeing all of these every day that the magic of wonder already fizzled out.

The sound of footwear crunching against sand alerted him of an approaching person. It was crazy how he could tell who it was even without looking.