Elves's History

Elves have a unique history than humans.

Elves are known for their long, pointy ears and green attire. They also have a higher life span than humans. Most live to around 500 years; however, they had exceeded this count and reach up to 1,000 years of age.

Elves have hideouts and towns placed randomly throughout the world; however, only a few are big enough to be considered a kingdom. One of those towns is called Elvaina.

Elvania is a hidden town in the middle of a monster-infested forest. The forest doesn't have a name since it hosts the den of the blue devil, therefore everyone calls the forest, "The forest of the blue devil".

Elvaina is the only town that is truly hidden. Most races have no idea that it exists. It only exists as a rumor. This is only possible because of the elves' special ability. The god of creation gifted the elves with special barrier magic. This barrier magic had the potential to turn invisible if it was given enough magical power.

Out of all the races, elves have the most magic potential. With their long life, they can understand higher levels of magic and create destructive spells. Therefore, they are highly dependent on military prowess and magic teachings.

During the age of old, Elvaina used to be a monarchy. This soon changed to a council after all the citizens rusted the castle and killed the king and his bloodline. The council is made up of 5 people. Once a council member died or retires, a vote and session are held to determine who will replace them. The only minimum requirement is that they must be a 3rd rate citizen (age 300 and up).

The council made Elvaina a lot more equal and peaceful. There was no longer any nobles and inequality. They created a new ranking system and a rule to disregard gender and race. The ranking system has 5 levels. 0 - Citizens who work, or are commoners. 1 - Business owners. 2 - Military Officials. 3 - Landowners. 4 - High ranking officials and 2nd council. 5 - The council.

The 2nd council is a group of 15 citizens and is used to start rules and such. After everything been decided, they take it to the real council for approval.

Level 3's get 1 vote in sessions. Levels 2's only get 1 vote as a whole. Level 1 and 0 don't get a vote, but instead, get a majority opinion. This opinion is tallied and turns into votes. Level 4's and 5's don't get a vote but are the ones to keep track of them.

The military also has a ranking system. Each unit has a tier from 5 to 1, where 1 is the best. These rankings are only for those of the same type. For instance, general tier 1 and general tier 3.

This is the basis of Elves' culture. (Enough for chapter 2)