Elvan's School of Magic Guide

Hello, Students! This is guide will teach you how this school works in a more in-depth manner rather than a summary.

First, there are 6 types of classes: S, A, B, C, D, E. S is the highest and most advanced class but is usually reserve for special students. Each class has around 20 to 30 students. If your grade in your current class drops below the average for 1 school year, you'll be demoted to a lower class.

Classes teach magic theories, magic training, and physical combat. Since this is a magic school, most teachings will be over magic-related info.

Our teachers are highly advance in their skills and have had real combat. These teachings are for you who we assume will join our military.

There are some afterschool programs that you can join for more credit and teachings. These 'clubs' do not affect your grade directly but the information you learn in them might help you to improve those scores.

Anyone can create a club if they have a minimum number of students of four. Those clubs which show improvement or high evaluations will get a higher budget and more resources provided by the school.

If you have any questions, please contact the principal or your teachers. They are happy to answer any and all questions. Have a nice time at Elvan's School of Magic!