Self knowledge

Two weeks later.

It was a rainy day; the technology for climate control was supposed to exist. Still, it is only used in agricultural areas; in America, the name of the human city where it is now is not dedicated to the mass production of food, so clearly, there would be no climate control. He could put on some clothes so as not to get wet, but he decided to stay inside, he would try to improve the management of his ability.

It is assumed that the ability that the gifted use is to extend their concept of the "id" to the exterior, making everything within that area come under their control. It does not mean that they can immediately manipulate all those elements that already surround them that this carries a tremendous mental load because unlike how the human handles his body almost automatically when expanding the id to the outside.

The brain suffers a significant information load of things that were not in the body. It could be said that, therefore, now the concept and idea of ​​the body that had the brain suddenly changes, and all this load makes the user tire quickly. To bear this load, the gifted must first improve their physical and mental state through A workout that may not differ much from any other sport, but the gifted at all times must pay Attention to every change your body makes through exercise. This training takes place practically throughout your life, as the body constantly changes. Once self-knowledge becomes part of the gifted's daily life, he can begin to focus on the things around him.

From childhood, the gifted are taught to perform these exercises, to avoid abuse of their powers and other problems, since they will be essential assets for human colonies.

There are also ways to improve the body at different levels, but these also depend on the endowed since to access these resources sound economic sustenance is needed.

But the latter is not something immediate, he does not even know what he will do in the future, so I cut this line of thought, the most important thing now is to graduate to be able to fix the same to its guardian. It had been built and programmed by his parents. He wanted to access his memory to see them again.

There was the option of asking his tutor to take him to the place where they could extract the data more quickly.

But.. he still remembered what that strange man said to him "if someday you won't see inside him, do it yourself, don't let anyone else touch it, "although he didn't understand why he made this comment, he had the feeling that it should be...

He remembered that human-made her shiver. He had this feeling that she shouldn't trust him when she met him. She seemed to act in good faith all the time. Still, every time she spoke, and even her body attitude generated aversion and wise despite From his young age that he did not have to get involved with him, now more than ever, he felt that everything that had happened on that planet was his fault.

From what he had heard on his trip to Vyndra, it seemed to be like this... "Yes, He would not have gone to that planet, I am sure they would still be alive ... "- Enough, I have to keep training. He said out loud to reaffirm his attitude, he had to keep practicing, and the only time he could use his skill was in the apartment or the training center. Only when he came of age or under certain exceptional circumstances could he use it outdoors.

He took some plastic rods that were on one side and extended his "id" to them, felt a slight tickle in his back, and then the feeling that his body had two things that were not before. Tom could not extend his id as towards the other gifted, as if it were a kind of area or domain where everything within it was under their control. In their case, they had to touch the desired object to control it directly. While he limited himself only to the things he could feel, unlike the other gifted ones, it could be said that his area of ​​action was a little wider since he was not tied to a particular domain. Still, it depends on his ability to move, and for this, he was increasing his resistance and explosive capacity in his training.

He stared at the rods that were floating in the air; they moved and balanced according to his thinking. Currently, his thorough training, according to his teacher at the center, should focus on controlling a certain amount of elements depending on their mass and the mental load that generated. Once used to, these would increase either the quantity or the mass of the object and so on ... after his training, he took a bath. At this time, he was in his bed, activated the augmented reality, and decided to watch the news.

To activate it, all you had to do was concentrate on a mantra; this would start the nubots in your body, and you will immediately be able to see in front of it what you will look for in the vyndra network with your thinking. This technology was obtained with the collaboration of one of the species that lived in vyndra, even so, that did not want the mobiles to cease to exist. Voice calls were still made, and also although they were connected to augmented reality, that meant that constant Attention was paid to it, the smartphone was still useful.

Although he was relaxed after the bath, he still could not wholly forget the thoughts he had in training, and this was because of the memories that accompanied them. He could not fully concentrate on his reading about the history of humanity and also call it the Attention to the comments of other people that everything was invented and that they apparently doubted the records and some even claimed that the mother planet did not exist and there was some kind of conspiracy to control humans, and as far as he knew until now the Records matched what he had found and discussed with his parents a few years ago.

"Maybe I should deactivate the option to see the comments on the subject on social networks ..." he thought, and then he noticed a notification on the side of his vision.

It was a message from Sarah, the girl on his team. He said that she and the Two others visited him in a few days, and they had also obtained authorization to use a gym to train a little since they did not have to lose contact and had to improve their cooperation as a team. He had a schedule prepared for the rest of the vacation and insisted that he should join. He honestly replied that he had nothing else to do on vacation, but I can not assure you that he could always attend. After sending the message, he deactivated the RA and slowly fell asleep.

The day of the visit of his colleagues arrived, he felt somewhat restless. He had no idea what they should do until they went to the gym. On the planet where he came from, it was rare to meet other children, and he was always with his parents; the difficulties of the place made life like the one he was leading right now so tricky from the moment opened up to them last year, although could talk to them, somehow he still had trouble dealing with them.

He was more used to another type of life, one in which he only hoped to always be with his parents and grow to help them improve the situation of the planet like the humans who took the risk to make it a better place for their species. Although his parents never thoroughly explained what was happening, he felt that he was not entirely sure as they often told him.

He noticed in their looks that sometimes they seemed to look for something that he could not see, so he understood the strength that was what happened, and that's why now they are not with him. Although from the outside, it could be said that he usually acted, since he used to respond concisely, he was not heard to speak too much.

Once he joined the group, the children noticed that his way of speaking was very formal, and sometimes he used words that they did not understand; this was because when coming from a "Colony" that was not in contact with the rest of the human colonies. Their dialect deviated a little, even so, they did their best to maintain the base for, if one day they could meet others social, being able to communicate. So Tom read every day he could and kept AR active in the center to find the meaning of the words he didn't understand. The doorbell rang. He approached and opened it. Outside were Sarah, Adol, and Aiden. He was momentarily speechless.

- Are you not going to invite us to come in?

- Oh ... ahh, yes, if they do pass, excuse me.

- Do not worry - Adol said, as he touched his shoulder

Close the door slowly, while he thought about what Doing, turned to follow them and met Sarah raising her triumphant left fist, displaying the bracelet that indicated she was now a breeder.

Tom blinked and said, "Great, now you also have a child."

- yes, my father told me it was time for me to start raising one, as it would be necessary for the future.

- My mother also told me the same thing. I don't understand why, but it seems that something significant will happen with the creatures. - Aiden commented as he sat down.

- Hahahahaha, it must be good to have people who work in critical places to know these things, you know, I also hope to enter the council when I grow up. Adolf sounded hopeful. Tom approached Sarah and went to get some drinks for all. Then he appeared with some glasses of water and some snacks.

- Excuse me, and I don't usually have a lot of people here, I suppose I will have to prepare myself for these cases ...

- Don't worry, and they knew firsthand that Tom didn't consume too much and always thought about saving or rationing for later.

- Mmm ... right - while I saw, through the AR that around his companions were his creatures, he said - I let Drako go out when we come back, could we practice with them, can they talk?

- Not mine is starting to study, but it still lacks

- Yuan, it's the same.

- Mmm .. I just started, so there is a long way to go

- Drako is also practicing. When they can communicate, their growth is supposed to improve.

They continued talking for half an hour.

- Because we are not dating - Sarah said - we have to go to the gym.

The three answered affirmatively and left. On the way, Drako joined the group.

- Well, we are here, now I am going to show you the exercises that we will use. Dad told me they were from the army and that we can use it now. I will share this in the group.

While Sarah said this in the corner from the vision of the three, a notification appeared to them. They opened the file, and two people appeared before them, listing a series of exercises.