
The human colonies were divided into large fleets, and each group was named according to the continent from which it took off; therefore, there were the colonizing fleets America (which included the American continent), Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania.

At this time in the Asia Colony, precisely in a research center, there was a tense atmosphere. For some reason, some records were duplicated or rewritten. Everyone could tell that the story was correcting. Something or someone had broken the continuity of the reality they were in, up to where they understood as much as someone could travel in time, there should be no way that could affect their original timeline.

- Does that mean it was caused in higher dimensions?

Someone said muttering. He was talking to himself and was unaware of the sudden silence.

- We do not know if there can be something similar to live, in that case, and we have no way of verifying this with our current technology.

- Well .. not exactly - the president had entered the room. When they heard his voice, everyone greeted him respectfully. - We have won a competition for an important project. It may be helpful for the current situation. From this moment on, the entire company will focus on this task. We will stop all the investigations and also inform them that it is not only a human question; it was a joint investigation of all the intelligent species of Vyndra.

- Right now it would be good if "they" will also help

- Nothing can be done ... I'm sure that event also interfered with the restructuring

- Singularity was, in some way, influenced. That is for sure; the problem is that we do not know in what way until it is restarted. Another disturbance in space is happening in an isolated area, and we will be moving in a few days. I need everyone to prepare; then, more details will be provided.

When they arrived at the place, you could see something that was very common, vyndra was very cosmopolitan. Still, in this case, the great minds were together, something that was not currently possible since it was rare for them to be in a situation where they meet.

Different types of equipment were being installed. It took all afternoon until everything was in place. The next day, the analysis of the situation had started; something that impressed everyone was a specific frequency were being attracted to the disturbance. The particular thing was that these frequencies were related to those that carried the data related to the Singularity.

They did not know what was happening. Immediately he was sent to investigate the center where he was. That the uniqueness is originated in a game was something that was not expected. Right now, it had evolved in such a way that it was looking for ways to manifest in the world physically. Technically, the Singularity dominated all the computing on the planet without distinction, the fact that it maintained an attachment to the playful aspect of its original development relieved Vyndra's high command. Remained faithful to its objective of creating forms of "life" that they would always accompany their breeders. So it immediately absorbed data from any technology that was connected to the network or found traces of development to accomplish this feat. If the public knew that their privacy was continually being violated, there would not only be minor disturbances; this was one of Vyndra's biggest secrets.

Another week passed without apparent problems, and the camp was still investigating the spatial distortion, the tests to see what happened when making contact with this space. The drones had begun; at the moment, the drones could not withstand a pressure that appears after passing through it. They discovered that it was a kind of portal. Over time they found that space and the fundamental forces on the other side seemed to be forming, at overwhelming speed, if they were creating, it was something they did not expect to witness ...

Then the Singularity spoke, and everyone involved with the investigation went into shock, basically telling them that what was happening in the space that was forming on the other side of the portal would make the objective it had been pursuing for hundreds of years come true. He didn't elaborate on how, but he was creating a universe.

And In addition to confirming that he had duplicated and transferred the central computer to that universe. This involved many things. They immediately realized that there was a greater force that made this possible, an energy that if they could do what they were observing. Could destroy everything they knew if they wanted, fear and almost primordial fear made them demand to talk about how and Whatever it was that made all this possible. The only thing the Singularity said was that there was no danger to the existence of beings on this planet and that it would not give more details.

After that, the instructions given by the Singularity were followed; the fear that had left all this event made them follow these orders without opposing in any way. And so it was that some technologies were being developed across Vyndra in collaboration with all intelligent species.

A significant change was coming.