
"Why is it so small?" Drako asked.

- You should know what a newborn is ...- Batze said, but he also had the face of trying to understand what he saw.

The little dragon, with its adherent scales, looked closely at the people around him and began to eat the eggshells.

Noelle looked at Tom, who seemed to be as happy as he was nervous and restless, undecided about what to do next.

- Let's stop here, for today- he said after thinking about it.- don't worry about training today; go home. Maybe you want to spend time with the child; anyway, I was not going to push you too much today you have the final tomorrow…

- Ah ... Hmm ... okay.

Drako. He saw this interaction; he also noticed Tom's oscillating state. He still remembered the previous year when he was still a child who could not speak, having seen how his partner had collapsed in tears ...

After getting his body, he noticed how the new sensations stimulated what was also known as "feelings." He knew or instead sensed that they were now more intense than in their virtual form.

While he has spent quite a bit of time researching and experiencing what this entails since what he got, it doesn't mean that he stopped paying attention to Tom. On the contrary, he felt that he owed him and appreciated him very much.

The bracelet not only provides information to the breeder but also to the creature. It also had a hidden function, which might not be well taken by people if it was known.

This function consists of transmitting sensations and emotions that the wearer can have, concerning his companion that depending on the intensity, directly affect the development of the creature and more than anything else in its mentality.

Right now, Drako just wanted to accompany him until the time came for his metamorphosis. He also knew that something had happened to his biological parents, but he only hoped that Tom would tell him at some point. He approached Noelle and asked if she wanted to accompany them. She looked at him, a bit dizzy, Tom did.


- Drako ... It is not necessary. The teacher must have things to do.- the newborn had finished eating the shells and was looking at them all- since it seems full, let's take the opportunity to go out. Goodbye, teacher, see you tomorrow.

- bye…

On the way, he also kept the little boy outside; he carefully studied what he could see and hear.

- Why did you invite the teacher? .- Tom asked

- I thought maybe I wanted to come

- Mmm ... now that you say it, I don't know much about her.

- You didn't ask either. - Drako said while looking at the little boy in Tom's arms.

Tom paused for a moment as he seemed to read something.

- She is coming.


-My teacher said we are waiting for you here ...

They waited for half an hour in the park that was halfway there; Noelle came along with some bags.

"I'll cook you something," he said, winking at her and indicating that he would guide the way.

People could still be seen on the streets, as well as a large number of creatures; many children enjoyed while interacting with these beings; there were even older adults.

"They've been around for hundreds of years after all," Tom thought, many looking curiously at the little boy in his arms, and he had already lost some of the excitement he had before and was now snuggling against Tom's chest.

Noelle decided to go to the boy's house expecting to meet Tom's tutor; as an educator, she could access her student's necessary information. She was able to teach Tom because her tutor had accepted. Belonging to a Betas unit in the army, Noelle planned to stay for at least a few more months so she would take this opportunity to see if she could get help from this agent regarding her situation. It may have been something not very deliberate, almost impulsive. Still, for now, I didn't see why not try it.

When they arrived at the apartment, she expected someone to come out to meet them, but it did not happen, due to the naturalness with which Tom did this, it seemed severe to be expected.

Then she remembered that the boy lived alone. "I guess I was impulsive," he thought with a sigh; Tom arranged the place for her to sit down. After inviting her and the creatures something to drink, Noelle asked if she knew where her guardian was.

- It should be on the base. - answered

- will she visit you today?

- No, although it is not that as if it were something safe, he does not always warn me when he comes.

- And you are well so ...? - but before saying "alone." She saw Drako sitting next to her- are they just okay, both of them? ... I suppose there are three of them now.

- Yes.- he said with a smile

As they continued talking about the newborn, Noelle looked at the apartment. It had white walls; there was not much furniture, it was prepared to receive at least six people; it seemed something big for just one child and one, "two," more creatures. She did not have many electronic devices; it appeared that the boy only used the AR to watch the news and other things.

As a reason, although not very justified on her part to come to the child's apartment was not, she recalled the situation of the boy in front of her. He was somewhat curious to know what situation he was in before he came to Vyndra; he was not so insensitive as to ask her curtly, but he did not want to get attached to him; he knew that he should not relate too much.

Even so, these days, she asked to see how her eyes gained a new shine under her tutelage; she liked the feeling of accomplishment that she had every time she saw herself overcome. She would have wanted to meet him in another situation.

Now her priority was to find her brother first, and she still hadn't seen any other clues other than her entry into the city a few weeks ago. It was dark, and teaching the boy had not only secured her a place to stay in the town but had also somewhat distracted her from her situation.

"Well," he announced as he stood up to cut his line of thought, "I'd better start preparing dinner."

- Do you want me to help you?

- No. Okay, it would be best if you took the opportunity to see the little one, maybe on the bracelet, you can find some help.

Tom watched from afar as Noelle cooked, quite focused. She seemed to feel his gaze and turned her head. Tom replied, looking to the side, muttering what he saw to the side in his vision. He did not have to worry much about the growth of the little dragon. He could feed him when he was in his physical state and also he had to make him enter the bracelet, for the first time, after looking at it for a moment, he sent the order mentally and saw how the little one began to "decompose" and become a single particle that almost imperceptibly entered the bracelet. She could see an expression of insecurity in her when this happened, but it was expected, according to the manual, she would condition it in its virtual state so that she did not have problems with that situation.

An hour later, dinner was ready.

"Thanks for the food," Tom said.

"It's been a long time since I cooked this dish," Noelle murmured.

"It's delicious," said Tom with bright eyes after a few bites.

- Thank you.- and a few moments later he added.- Maybe tomorrow I will see the final.

- I'm going to use everything I learned these days, heh.

- Ha, I don't think you can do it; after all, it will be enough- Drako said, after emptying his plate.

- Well, that would be ideal. Tom thought aloud.

- Because what you say.

- Master, I think it would be better to keep hiding our cards ... I think that's what it says ... there will be more tournaments ahead.

- Hmmm ... I understand it's not bad. It's not like you have total control; after all, just a week ago, you started training.

- Ha, Ha- smiled somewhat embarrassed Tom.- Sorry, I can ask you why you are teaching me.

- I'm only eight years old, don't be so formal, mhmm ... Maybe it was because of the look you had when I saw you at that time in the park. I came to this city for some personal matters, and you will be the only one who teaches here ... you are also my first student ...

- Am I the first ?! - Tom exclaimed

- If I already told you that I received a few months ago ...

- True. Sorry for screaming.

- Okay.- Noelle said after seeing how the boy blushed

- So ... do you know how long you will stay?

- It is not up to me ... but maybe a few months.

- ohh

- Well, I must go now, Batze.- Noelle commented after helping to accommodate the place to the child

- aha ... goodbye. - I greet the creature

"See you later," Tom repeated before closing the door.

While in bed, Tom observed for a time the virtual space where his creatures were; the little one seemed to be sleeping, as Drako also asked him to return to his virtual state now they were together.

Although she sometimes shared meals with her tutor, who liked her quite a bit, today, he immensely enjoys her teacher's cooking. He still did not know her well, beyond his character when training him, which was severe but sometimes also casual. Generally, they only talked about the training, although at dinner, he was encouraged to ask more about her. Clearly, he avoided it a bit, but that he said that perhaps he would teach him a few more months made him happy.

After saying goodbye, Noelle walked through the city, expecting to see her brother among the people. I hear people talk about an alleged accident with creatures, it was not very clear what happened, in the news, there was nothing it occurred in a gifted training. She thought about investigating the next day.

A few hours later, when she finally got tired, she decided to go back. But it was when she noticed a group, and she found it curious. They all wore a kind of mask that covered their ears. One of the men had hair as red as she was.

I hesitate a bit before saying to follow them.