March, Part 1

While Blanco followed Brand out of the facility, the group of creatures that were enhanced by the black drop, we're still in the room in which they were confined.

[These things shouldn't keep breathing, we have to make sure they don't touch more of our own!]

Ethius was the name of the creature that could read minds, and these days he had created a link between them so that humans would not find out what they were going to do.

[We can't keep wasting time arguing. We have to move on. We don't know how many of them are in this place.]

These creatures could not adapt to having a physical body, being isolated from the system, and the constant torture they suffered. They did not even consider that this could be a problem, their mental state was chaotic, and the substance to which they were exposed made them more unstable.

They also did not notice how the black veins spread through their bodies and towards the others, nor did he see that with that, they were approaching each other as the discussion progressed.

The debate progressed, and more were in favor of massacring humans. Ethius was neutral. He knew he could not stop them, no matter what they chose, as his power was limited, and he would not be able to face everyone. He planned, whatever the outcome, to use his ability to avoid collateral damage in the future.

It was illogical, no matter how upset they were, they shouldn't have wasted time like this considering the situation they were in. For some reason, his body was burning. He felt that his limbs were being stretched hard as something was getting into him. At some point, humans entered the room. He remembered that there were still more creatures in the building, and they had to save them.

He wanted to go straight, but his body wasn't responding, and he wasn't feeling it. The humans were surrounding them. He sent a message for the others to take care of, no one answered. When he looked around, he realized that none of his companions were there.

His anxiety increased, he did not understand what was happening, and he could only think.

"Where are the others ... what should I do, should I fight? ... I don't want to attack them ... I will have to shoot... They have to be killed, and they tortured me ... they tortured us ... We need retribution ... they must be crushed ... no, I must not ... there must be some average human among them ... they must be killed ... "

The humans screamed and, at some point, started attacking. I felt the impacts, but they were not as bad as I expected. With this, he realized that now he could handle it, it was funny, but he was sure that he could move. "Then I could push them away, not kill them, or maybe I should ..."

Trying to escape from this choice, he thought if he could meet the person who raised him again, and several faces crossed his mind, for some reason, he knew these people. He did not understand why. He knew that this is how he should be human, as he remembered those times, those moments ... not like the scum that was in front of him.

He raised his hand and noticed that it was different, totally different, a kind of armor-shaped cuirass covered his forearm and finished off with three rather large claw-like blades, this breastplate or armor that now also covered his head and legs as part of his being.

It wasn't just his arm. His body was more significant; only now did he notice that humans were smaller than him, unlike before.

He had to see what happened to the other creatures in this place.

And so began his march.

The humans tried to get in their way, but it sent a mental shock, and they fell to the ground in that instant. As they had firearms, he assumed they were not gifted. On the way, more humans appeared, some when they saw them, they walked away with fear on their faces. I did not attack them. At one point, a relatively large group fired from a distance, while others entered a room where impacts were heard.

He was able to take down some with the psychic shock, but others not because they were further from the limit of his ability.

Feeling helpless, he raised his arm, and the claws shot out accompanied by a black tendon that stretched from where they were thrown, pierced some humans, then were retracted, soaked with blood to their original position.

He could not deny the pleasure he felt in killing those beings and justified himself thinking that they deserved it for being part of the group that captured them.

After "cleaning" the way, he went to the room that now also seemed to be calm, he could hear the humans talking to each other, but he stopped lending them when he entered because a wave of emotions invaded him.

Until now, he was psychologically stable inside everything, thinking or hoping that if he found the other creatures, they could be safer and together look for people to help them either to find the people who raised them or some way to return to the plane that now the creatures that were not in vyndra inhabited.

See that his "brothers" were torn to pieces and being piled up in the center of the room. It took him after the torrent of sensations and emotions to a state of dissociation of consciousness.

His vision fell into darkness, sometimes he could see scenes of the blood being spread around him, or he could feel impacts on his body or him hitting, but he no longer cared.

It was an afternoon at this time, and Blanco was already at a considerable distance but within sight of the facilities in which he had spent the last weeks. Beside her, Adam, now remembering his name, was vomiting on his knees. He could no longer bear everything he saw during the escape, and his body reacted like this ... For his part, it is not that he was insensitive, but he could not feel any pity for those who died in front of him.

They don't deserve it, he thought.

That did not mean that he was not free of some emotion. In fact, his body still remembered the intense roar they heard when they were leaving the building. He would have run to find out what it was, but Adam stopped him. Now I was waiting for him to recover to continue. But his curiosity was still with him.

As if responding to their wish, a shock wave came out of the building that dragged them a few meters to the ground. The building that served as the entrance to the underground base lay collapsed after the dust settled. Again that hideous roar rang out, and a figure now hovered a few feet away.

Brand beckoned them to stand up, but at that instant, the large humanoid came toward them and landed on the ground.

His wild gaze dimmed when he saw White. The three humans froze, each for a different reason.

Blanco was fascinated, he could recognize some characteristics of this being, and he realized that they belonged to the creatures that were in that room, and for some reason, it seemed that they merged or something like that ... Adam could somehow feel that if he moved, I could die. Instead, Brand was anxious, and he couldn't find a way out; he wasn't sure he could even beat him.

[In which direction is the nearest city?]

The question that also seemed to be an order resounded in their heads. Brand pointed north.

[I hope you're not lying to me.]

- No, it's America. You will find it if you follow that direction.

After looking at them for a moment, the creature continued its march, this time walking. The group remained in their positions, and silence accompanied them until being disappeared from their sight. No one came out of the building's rubble, and Blanco was rethinking his original plan. Maybe he could see something interesting if he also went to America, doubt gnawing at him inside.

Sir ... I must ... go. - Adam interrupted his thought. He had a complicated expression on his face. A series of emotions seemed to be invading him.

I don't recommend them. There are agents in town. For my part, I will go to another place, and I recommend that whatever you decide, it has to be now, they should already be sending a team to see the situation. - Brand commented, as he started to move, but stopped. - How can I contact you?

"With this," White replied, somewhat bored while giving him a contact invitation.

Then until next time. Brand said goodbye with a smile.

- I guess the others didn't make it ... - Blanco said suddenly.

Adam realized he was talking. His companions were still inside, and no one came out of the rubble. He was so worried about what might happen to his sister if he came across that creature that he had forgotten the people he had been with these years. He tried to calm himself by adjusting his breathing and began to assess everything calmly.

White looked at him, expectantly. Adam did not know that his benefactor had decided that he would be the "given" that would define what he would do now and only on a whim.

He remembered his parents and the ideals they instilled in him; his brief encounter with his Noelle also came to his mind.

He concluded that the most important thing now was Blanco's safety; he could not only improve gifted but also those without a gift. And he should prevent this group from confining him.

If his friends were here, they would come to the same conclusion… and his sister was probably in the safest place possible… He chided himself for losing his cool.

- Excuse me; I think the best thing would be to go to a safe place ... If you don't mind.

"Okay ..." Blanco said after a few seconds, I have a place where we can go.

"Then let's get going," Adam said after looking at the ruins behind him.