
Strangers surrounded Tom. After his teacher left, he felt helpless. He wanted to go to his friends' side; he was afraid of what might happen to them ...

To distract himself a bit from the situation, he decided to see the state of his creatures. The little boy was still the same and made gestures to him. Instead, Drako seemed to be finishing updating his status, and a countdown appeared that was not there before. It appeared that there were a few minutes left.

I hope...

He could see how Drako's figure changed shape; according to the data, it was now more extensive, 6 meters from head to tail, it moved on all fours, could fly, and other characteristics. It also highlighted the fact that it could choose in which shape it would be if it came out in its physical form. This reassured him as he could be inside his apartment.

He regained consciousness and communicated with Tom.

"How is everything outside?" He asked as he investigated his new form.

- It's ... it's a bit complicated ...

- Are you good?

-Yes ... it's just ...

A loud bang was heard, the impact echoed through the warehouse, and people responded in panic. A group of people tried to calm people down, but the atmosphere had changed drastically.

Drako was trying to access the network, but he couldn't; he saw Tom's confused face and asked again what the situation was since he could only hear what he was saying. At the same time, some adults approached the door and began to struggle with the guards to leave the place. Tom thought that the best thing would be to stay inside. It didn't make sense what they were doing ... it was when he noticed that one of the men took a "needle" out of a bag and attacked the guard directly.

The rest trying to get out were dumbfounded by the sudden attack.

- Get out of my way. - said the killer.

A series of screams began to be heard. Murmurs of people saying he was gifted could be heard. Those who were around him stepped aside; he did not threaten anyone else. He simply forced the entrance and left. As he did not open the gate with the authorization of the guards, a group of alarms began to sound. At the same time, other people started to come out of the crowd and join him.

Tom didn't know what to do; he had no way of defending himself right now.

A roar was heard; everyone present felt a fear that gave them chills. The group that had gathered they were also pale; after a chat, some left the place. In comparison, the rest faced the crowd.

- As long as they do what we say, nothing will happen to them. - said one with an authoritative but somewhat strange voice. - Those who have the bracelet that connects them to the creatures hand it over and do not forget to renounce their rights.

- Don't even think I'll give up my friend. It doesn't matter that they are gifted. - shouted a woman

Immediately one of the gifted attacked the woman with a gust of wind that knocked her and the people behind. Again the screams echoed, and some of those further back released their creatures and ordered them to attack the group guarding the door.

From then on, everything was chaotic.

He wanted to flee, but he didn't know where or how. He couldn't go through the door, he couldn't get past those adults, and if she did somehow, there were still those who left. He chose to find the entrance from where the products should enter the warehouse. It seemed that others thought the same because he identified a group trying to open huge doors about 50 meters away.

The force field that covered the warehouse was still active. And they couldn't get out; the only exit insight was where I enter. Maybe if she could disconnect the power, she could turn it off, but she didn't know how the building was organized.

"There should be some panels nearby ..." he thought.

While hiding between the shelves and the loads, he observed the situation. The gifted were gaining ground, there weren't many creatures, and the humans made things worse with their panic.

He tried to calm his breathing every time he saw a person "fall" because they made him remember what had happened more than a year ago. Back then, he had his "guardian" with him; now there was Drako, he was more potent than before. But he still didn't want to take it out ...

It shouldn't attract attention.

Finally, he found, after moving as carefully as possible, a room with a series of panels. A man who was hiding inside appeared to be a building worker.

"What are you doing here? Could they have followed you?" He complained. He seemed just as scared as Tom.

- Sir ... sorry ... but could you turn off the shield to get out of here? - Tom asked, somewhat embarrassed.

- Don't be an idiot boy, do you want me to be killed? - He exclaimed, totally out of himself.

- But ... if it continues like this ...

There was a silence between them, outside the battle, and the screams continued. The man seemed to have thought of something.

- I'll turn off the lights and disable the shield. - He finally said it seemed that he had regained his sanity, and his way of speaking was calmer.

- Thank you.

- Still, don't thank me. Go away.

- And you?

- Okay, I can go out.

After the brief exchange, Tom headed for the doors. I hear how they begin to open, and he prepared to leave.

One of the gifted ordered them to be stopped, but he was already running outside by the time he finished yelling.

He couldn't help but think about what would happen to those people who were still inside. But the only thing he could do now was making sure he survived and searched for his friends.

After a few minutes, it stopped. Needing to locate himself, he decided to get Drako out.

In his physical and imposing state that left Tom quite surprised, he began to ask about what was happening. He summarized the situation for him after looking for a place to hide.

- Then you want to go find them. - Drako said as he looked around.

- Yes ... but ... I don't know what's going on. Maybe ... we should find a place where ...

"But it's not what you want," he interrupted.

Tom was undecided. One of the reasons why he didn't want to move was because of the fear of finding his friends dead ... but to think that his teacher went to where they also gave him some hope ... his mind was chaotic more than anything because He remembered that roar that had been heard a while ago. He did not want to meet whatever it was that made that scream.

The sound of fighting within the surroundings continued to echo. He couldn't believe the peaceful city was like this.

A great crash was heard from the sky, Drako, and he looked at the same time.

Four Betas were taking on a humanoid being, and they weren't exactly in the best of shape. Two were missing limbs, another was barely moving, and one was still pressing hard.

He realized that this creature was trying to attack the buildings, and the betas were doing their best to deflect them, but somehow it seemed that their real goal was to harm those gifted. Since clearly, these have received more damage this way.

After some exchanges, the beast roared again, and now he knew where that terrifying scream was coming from. At his side, Drako felt threatened, but he could also distinguish something similar to frustration and perhaps hopelessness, he did not know whether to classify it that way. Still, they were the definitions that crossed his mind.

He lifted Tom with his telekinetic ability and hoisted him onto his back; after a momentary expression of surprise, Tom clung to him.

"Do you know where the school is?" he asked tom.

- Yes, over there.-Tom said after thinking about it.

- Let's go.

He started running in the direction he pointed. As he accelerated, he had the feeling that he could do more.

A building stood in his way; he hit the ground hard and jumped. He felt that he could step on something that was everywhere but that he could not see.

Focusing his intention on his limbs, he struck again and began to run through the air.

In the distance, Ethius noticed this creature that carried a child on top. There were also some in a building before, but every time he wanted to get close, these metal things or something like that would get in his way. He decided he had to tear them apart, but they were pretty tough. He couldn't let them getaway. The creature seemed quite strong, and maybe it could help him ...

He didn't have to lose sight of them. He moved between the attacks of the weapons surrounding these metallic things and the occasional strong blasts. He only concentrated on dodging if he counterattacked, he could lose the creature.

One of those attacking him accelerated and got in his way, lost what little calm he had recovered, and crashed directly into him, who was missing an arm. He withstood the impacts of the weapons that followed this thing and focused his strength on his free arm, as he held on tightly and then slammed through the chest of the "metallic" humanoid.

The thing let go and pulled its forearm, now covered in fresh blood, from the hole. He dropped it as he followed the other creature. He realized that he was heading towards the building where he saw the others.