Cirque Du-THE F*CK?!

After pushing through the crowd of people, we finally came to the heart of the circus. Although, calling it just a circus was doing it a disservice. It was more like a festival than anything else.

In our group was Millie, Dante, William, Lona, Bertram, and me. Lona and Bertram were assigned as the responsible adults.

Just in case someone were to get lost; Lona would watch over Millie, Bertram watched over me, and Dante watched over William.

Apparently Dante was considered a trustworthy adult.

My parents were unable to make it because my mother was too frail due to her being pregnant. My father didn't want to leave her when she was so weak, so he reluctantly stayed back. Queen Luna was too busy and Millie's parents said something about carnivals being a pathway to destruction. Don't really know what they meant, so I assume it was just hippy talk for being uninterested.