Extra: New Beginnings

Mary held the small baby in her arms with William at her side beaming with joy. Seri felt her stomach which was now protruding from the child inside. William turned to her, "How did you know it was going to be a girl?"

Seri chuckled, "I am psychic. I told you."

Dante stood behind her. The corners of his mouth twitched up. Dante knew that "psychic" actually meant she knew because of her knowledge from either the novel or the so-called Original Seri. Either way, she was only certain because she knew.

Seri peered at the baby with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, "What did you end up deciding for her name?"

Mary smiled proudly, "Merigold."

Seri raised an eyebrow, "That's the name you both decided on?"

"Yes. Merigold like the flower. M-e-r-i-g-o-l-d."

"That's not how you spell Marigold. It's with an a, not an e."

Mary giggled, "But Meri sounds like a combination of Seri and Mary. I think it is spelled the right way."

Seri: "…"