next day

saw moms burning eyes.. (i think today am become dead.) i try to run out but mom caought my coller and pull me inside the house and lock the door.

next day.....(at collage)

me : ahh! yesterday my mom so much scold on me, but i cant do anything.. she is my mom and by the way mistake is my.. i should try to be change myself.. why i am so clumcy i need to handle my clumcyness its best for me..

i get into class and saw this four boys..( ah did tae really afraid to dark.. hum..he was sick yesterday.. did he was filling well or not.. this boy even didnt talk much with me.. )

??? : you need to ask him instead of thinking.

me : ahh! i turn back.

he : hi good morning sweetie.

me : you make me startled. (wow what a handsome face he got..)

jin : yah thanks. now go and ask him..

me : hum okey .i smile at him and sit on banch and turn towards him (like always his face is hided with a big book..)

i take out note book and clear my throat

me : ah are you filling well.. yesterday you get fainted. i am worried about you.

he : humm

me : humm! i think this answer is not what i expected.

he slightly slide book side and start starring at me.

me : dont stared at me.. instead of your pretty eyes you can use your pretty mouth to give me expected answer.

he : huh (while furrowing his left eyebrow)

me :(did i talk to much or talk something wrong so he was starring at me like this)

jimin : yah leave him.. this boy is not your type.. lets talk with me.

me : what do you mean huh.

jimin : did your mom scold on you, better in life you never ever forget to turn off tap.

me : yah i think also. .wait! how did you know this now. (i asked him while furrowing my left eyebrow)

he : ahh... a... cause your house is all wet. so i thought it.

me : humm by the way good morning to you.

jimin : morning...

??? : (fake cough)

i turn back and saw

tae : i am dont be worried about me.

me : ok (while giving him smile)

me : (to jimin) (wispering) what happened to him.. why he was sick

jimin : he have very dengerous disease so he was always sick so he even didnt talk with anyone cause he was sick.. he need good care.

jin (wisper to jimin in his ear why are you lieing to her)

tae :(meet me after school jimin-ah)

me : yah he desurve good care..

jk : why you come so early at school.

me :(ah how them tell now.. i come early to school cause at this early morning i dont want to eat scolding of my mom.)

me : ha ha ha cause i am missing you gays.

jk : who you miss most.

me :(damn you.. i even didnt miss anyone..)

me :ha ha ha i think most you.

he : really

me :yah. (no! not at all..