In the Aurora Region, there was a pair of twins who became cultivators at the age of two. At the age of ten, they established themselves to become the strongest of their generation in the region.
They went out of the region and outside and also managed to topple everything that got in their way. Their individual strengths shone, and the two had monikers of their own.
But there are times when the two of them become a different entity altogether.
The first time they fought together was against a group of injured Dragons trying to destroy a small city and devour its populace to regain their vitality.
They fought and vanquished the dragons, and from then on, another name was bestowed upon them "The Hunters". That incident never came to light because they wished to keep the loot for themselves. There were three other incidents where they went hunting beasts above them and still triumphed.
The twins have a dream of their own. They wish to overcome the tribulations of this world and become peerless underneath the heavens. They want to leave their mark and become the strongest pair who will rule over their generation.
However, right now, before Mo Fu, they now face their most challenging trial yet.
This is a precarious situation, but this is not the end. They will overcome this, and the fight shall be told to everyone and increase their fame. They will have another story to tell their brother.
They specialize at hunting beasts, but this time, they are going to hunt for a beast-like human. And as Darya's gaping injuries endured the pain, a smile blossomed on her face.
A clap of thunder caused the world to tremble; it didn't come from her weapon but her body. Lightning began coursing through her veins, granting her immense speed and strength.
Darya was heavily injured, but she was now far clear-headed than she previously was. Holding the axe with both hands, it showed signs of crumbling, and as her toes grasped the world, and the sound of clapping lightning thundered, the ground caved!
A single step caused the lightning to lacerate the ground, leaving a trail of chaos on Darya's wake; Darya was fast; too fast that she caught Mo Fu by surprise.
As Darya's axe came from beneath, she executed a devastating swing, but this time it has more savagery and power.
Behind the roar of her axe and the clap of thunder were eyes screaming to take a life.
Mo Fu was caught off-guard by the sudden surge of her power, but he knew it was useless. He had seen that attack before, and he only needed to increase his reaction to match it now.
He swung his spear to meet her axe, and as Darya roared on the top of her lungs, her eyes changed.
A shockwave erupted from the collision causing surrounding to tremble and had the snow to dissipate.
The corpses were lacerated, but that is not Darya's current concerns. She would feel guilty about this later on, but killing Mo Fu is a far more important task.
And she sent Mo Fu flying up to the dark skies, her axe turned brittle and turned to rubble.
"What!?" His arms were in pain. He was shuddering, and he looked at Darya with bewildered eyes, for the sudden increase in her strength was not normal.
The Thunder Lord Qilin escaped the axe. Then, Mo Fu smiled after seeing that opportunity, but that very smile disappeared as Darya took another axe out of her bracelet, and the Thunder Lord Qilin entered it in a split second.
While all this was happening, Darya had already grasped the world once again, and as the ground caved, she disappeared with an explosion of lightning and the clap of thunder.
"Tch, you're annoying!"
Mo Fu was annoyed and got ready to intercept Darya's oncoming attack. He was prepared to meet her head-on. Gathering his heavenly essence in his spear and was prepared to initiate an attack.
However, a cannon-like sound echoed in his ears from the side, and a bright yellow light came rushing to him with the intent to puncture a hole through his chest.
The roar of a Dragon followed the canon-like explosion and Mo Fu saw Alri firing such a shot from her bow, the preparation he had done to meet Darya dissipated as he swung to meet the oncoming arrow of Alri!
The collision sent another set of shockwaves to Mo Fu's body. The piercing power of the arrow remained the domineering pressure it carried was too potent, too powerful for Mo Fu to make it dissipate fully.
And as he wasted his preparation to Alri's arrow, Mo Fu felt another danger coming from below, and as Mo Fu turned to search for the oncoming threat, Darya was already before him and had already finished her full-powered swing!
"«Heavenly Wrath»!"
As Darya roared, lightning coalesced and formed a makeshift serpentine that devoured Mo Fu's body.
Lacerated all over, Mo Fu's clothing was burnt, but as he saw Darya's axe get destroyed again, he toughed it out and used that chance to form a fist and threw a punch a Darya sending her plummeting down to the ground like a meteor!
Darya's face hurt, but as she crashed to the ground, another yellow light flew out of Alri's bow, and this time, Mo Fu did not manage to deflect it.
With his back open, the arrow attempted to pierce his body, and once again, the heaviness of it proved its power by sending Mo Fu spiraling down.
But it didn't pierce him and simply stuck to his back.
As he was just about to land on the ground, another arrow flew at him, this time, with an even more powerful force. The strength of the bolt could be seen, and with Mo Fu pushing his concentration to the absolute limit stabbed his spear forward with enormous pressure, he managed to destroy the said arrow.
However, what he didn't foresee is Darya, who had already gotten up from the ground and caused the earth to cave the third time. She swung her axe and tried cleaving Mo Fu in two, and with a roar, her axe broke as she sent Mo Fu flying uncontrollably to a wall that turned to rubble!
A volley of yellow arrows fell from the skies as Alri rained down upon Mo Fu!
"Is it over?"
Darya watched as dust rose to the air, she was exhausted. She was pushing her body to its absolute limits. Her wounds have worsened, but she didn't fell to her knees.
The gaping holes in her body were what keeping her conscious. The pain is making her sustain her stance.
She knew Alri couldn't take care of Mo Fu alone, so she can't fall unless she can confirm Mo Fu's head.
'I can still hold out for another five minutes. My insides are already screaming from the pain…I fear that my cultivation will go down a level after this thing passes. Damnit, and I just reached this level a year ago. Damn, stay down, old man!'
But life is not so simple because as the dust settled, an even more suppressing air appeared. The aura didn't belong to a Heavenly Lake cultivator, nor did it feel like it belonged to a human.
"You brats are good. Seriously, I would have died if not for my flesh being tougher than most."
Mo Fu walked out of the dust with his clothes torn to pieces and a big chunk of his flesh having been carved out of his body.
The left of his torso has had a chunk of ice covering his carved out flesh. The ice replaced a part of the flesh, but only to hold his body up.
Right now, Mo Fu's cultivation had plummeted down to an Early-Heavenly Lake Realm cultivator. However, the spear in his hands had turned to an Early-Heavenly Sea weapon.
Artifacts do not have cultivation realms, but Blood Sacrificed Weapon is considered as a homunculus-like item that feeds off the vitality and life of a cultivator.
As Mo Fu's cultivation and vitality continue to plummet, the more potent the Blood Sacrifice Weapon would become.
And right now, his life ends soon, and he's ready to throw everything away to take out his targets.
Memories flowed in his mind as a beautiful smiling woman appeared before him.
Her smile was glorious, but as Mo Fu remembered more, the beautiful memory was replaced by the grotesque scene of the same woman having half her body ground to a nothingness.
"Mo Fu…" Her sweet voice echoed as if it wished to be saved.
Mo Fu began to cry as his anger raged on. He looked at the twins with hate-filled eyes, but that turned to begging as his tears continued to flow.
"Just die, will you? Accept your fate, die for your father's sins, die, and let her rest!"
Darya and Alri know nothing of what he is talking about, but as Darya took out another axe and had her Martial Spirit possess it, it was clear that she was ready to once again get back on the action.
Alri stood by her side, and the two grew more cautious than they ever were. Mo Fu's sanity was leaving him; they do not know as to what extent he will pursue them in order to ensure that his goal would be met!
"Darya, tell me how long can you last?"
"4 minutes tops…this old man should only last for 3 minutes. I can take it, don't worry about me. Worry about yourself because from now on, that spear's strength is going to make it a nightmare for us."
Darya was smiling wryly, for she knew the prowess of the spear.
The spear has its own cultivation, but as it is a weapon, it will not be able to use it against anyone unless it is being wielded.
A Blood Sacrifice Weapon needs to devour the cultivation and power of a cultivator, and then once it is fed enough, it will lend that strength to the cultivator despite the upgrade being temporary.
If a cultivator like Mo Fu, who was previously at Heavenly Lake feeds the Blood Sacrifice Weapon up and have it reach Perfected-Heavenly Sea, he'll be able to wield the strength of a Perfected-Heavenly Sea. It was a powerful weapon, but its drawbacks are severe.
A Heavenly Lake Realm cultivator cannot wield the power of a Heavenly Sea Realm Cultivator because the body will not be able to contain the strength, and as a result, the body would be destroyed.
It was like how a Lake cannot contain the Sea; the Sea is far too big for the Lake to carry and vice versa.
It will overflow and destroy the surroundings and, in this case, the body.
But Mo Fu doesn't seem to care about such a thing. His crazed eyes were bent on killing the twins, and what's worse is that because he was previously someone beyond Heavenly Sea Realm, he'll be able to control this strength far more efficiently than before.
Darya and Alri were too aware of the insanity this old man holds. Earlier, when the barrier was destroyed, and when Darya saw the Blood Sacrifice Weapon, she knew that this battle was not going to be easy because of two things.
First, because someone using a Blood Sacrifice Weapon is unpredictable.
Second, the Grand Demon Protection Array of the manor can only be destroyed by a Sovereign. Meaning when he destroyed the barrier earlier, his strength was at Sovereign Realm for some time, and he took the backlash like nothing happened proving his persistence is not something to laugh at.
The reason why Darya asked if Mo Fu wish to turn back is because of this very reason. She thought he was injured and would turn back, but she already knows what's the truth to that.
Mo Fu coughed up a little blood, and when it looked like his frail body was about to keel over, his figure disappeared and then repapered before Darya.
Darya was too injured to respond quickly enough, but as Mo Fu swung his spear, a hand flew out, but it didn't belong to the target.
"AAHHH! DARYA, Retreat!"
Alri screamed as her right hand got cut off as she pushed Darya out of the way. She shouted for Darya to retreat, as she let go of her bow.
With one hand, the bow is useless, but she was no one-trick pony, and as her bow was thrown away, she raised her right leg and summoned the strength of the Dragon through her body.
The Mountain Toppling Dragon is attuned to the element of earth, and as she strengthened her leg with it, she kicked the ground and had the earth explode, creating a cover for them to retreat!
Mo Fu swung his spear to strike the twins dead. But as the cover dissipated, no one was found.
Mo Fu went on a rampage as he tried to find the twins who had escaped from his grasps.
Alri and Darya stopped at Hal's courtyard, which was west of the manor. And as they stayed there for a while, they ate the rare medicinal dans they kept with them to nourish their body and increase their vitality a little bit more.
"Alri, your hand!"
Darya looked at Alri's missing hand and bit her lower lips. She too, was injured, but she cared more about Alri's situation than hers.
On Alri's remaining hand was the one that had been cut off earlier, she laughed as she looked at it before throwing it to the side.
"We can get it reattached later; we have more pressing matters. All this time, no one from the city had gone to help us, that must mean the commotion is not reaching the ears of the Elders scattered in the city.
"The old man is heading south, that's where Hal and the maids are, I fear that by now, the guards are already dead and the old man is about to massacre the maids together with our brother. We need to move now."
Darya steeled her heart, by now, her wounds have already made her cultivation go down a level, but she was holding on to it without fail. She looked at Alri and nodded her head in determination.
"Let's go."
The twins set out ready to lay down their lives to protect their little brother – to protect the family.