Piggy ride

Saint revealed a satisfactory smile, after watching her struggling self called a truce...

As for Anna , she simply thanked him again and again and then they left ....

After all there are many more places to see, plus they were here, for trekking precisely, not to follow Buddhism.....

But Anna's deep answer about simple things such as love ,hate and devotion built deep respect in their hearts for her...

No doubt she ignores them, her mind simply doesn't acknowledge them and their entire existence....

So they went back....and guess back..... someone was getting a piggyback ride..... because she was is no state....to walk....all thanks to her health condition....

To be more precise Anna was An anemic person, which mostly ended up into hypoxia ( an high altitude problem, in which person get difficulty in breathing , it blocks the circulation process of the body, which could even lead to death in many cases...)

Because her lungs can't adapt to higher altitude .....or running surrounding immediately which cause hypoxia...

So that's why, she is advised to stay as far away as possible from mountains, valleys, hilly areas , and not to walk more than 100 metres and never ever run.....as running is a taboo for her.....as it can easily kill her.....

But all thanks to certain someone, she actually visit the hilltop and it was her first time watching the mesmerising view....and she just wants to stay there.. forever....

But her worldly desire, her bestie , Kate , Needs her help...

She just can't leave her alone....

Before it was a bridal style ,now it's a piggyback ride.....

But she was beyond happy.... it's like for the first time ,she felt truly extremely happy....

Because , Daniel didn't complain , whenever she looks at a flower or a shrub or a bush or a tree or the view , he will stop....

And let her take as much pictures and memories she wants, he was more than happy ,after watching her acting like five years old child...

Who pretends to be grown up ,but I'm reality, consider herself as a child...

He was actually enjoying the time they were spending...

Although they didn't conversate, hell!! not even a single word. But still he was beyond happy, just by watching a child being happy after getting her favourite toy....

And just like that.... they reach the place from where they started....

He seriously wants to pick her up for the rest of his life, but considering she might kill him, he was reluctantly about to let go her...

but then he finds out from the rear view mirror of the jeep, that she has long fallen asleep....

His beauty, looking so cute , while sleeping...

in his back.....

He just simply slowly.... slowly take her from his back to his chest....and then into his arms... again in a bridal style....

then he sit in the car.....and simply hug her tightly...as if he was coaxing the child to sleep .....

her legs were lying between his legs...

her head was on his shoulder

and he was holding her body little tightly, just like a child.....

to make sure she will rest properly..

again three people who were complaining in the morning were. force-fed PDA....

And their next destination was the famous club and bar of country....