The Death Of Feng Xi

---AN: Check Out My WPC Entry: The Red Line To Your Heart!---

Sometimes just knowing life can throw a curveball at you helps when a surreal situation slaps you in the face. But even then you still can not keep the tears from falling when such a thing happens. Having your entire life turned upside down in an instant just because you were in the way, leaves an impression that can scar one for life. To make matters worse is when the one you loved turned their back on you, cheated with your very own sister, and then laughed as you got beaten and r*ped by a gang of men right in front of them. All the while calling you a slut for allowing such a situation to happen.

This might seem like the beginning of some novel or drama on tv, but for Feng Xi, this was all too real. She was strapped to a bed as men had their way with her body. Her eyes were completely dull. Her mouth was gagged so she couldn't even bite her own tongue in order to end the torment. She could only stare helplessly at the ceiling. No more tears could fall. She had already cried them all out. Her mind was now completely elsewhere and had turned off the happenings around her. Questions floated through her mind left and right as she tried to figure out why things were happening the way they were.

'Did I do something wrong to deserve this?'

'Is it because I was not a good cook?'

'Did I not show him enough love?'

'Was it because I couldn't bear him a child?'

No matter what she thought she could not come up with a reason for why this was happening to her. She did everything she could. She learned business and helped him bring his companies to new levels. He made millions all thanks to her. She learned anything she could just in case it could be useful to him down the road. From Cooking and other household jobs to skills she probably would never use. She learned engineering, western and Chinese medicine, and many other skills which she ended up working hard to get degrees in each field. She even went as far as to learn many forms of martial arts and how to wield many kinds of weapons. Just in case...

But now… Here he was throwing her away like a dirty rag after it had been used. But this situation… Was it not too much? Did she do something that would garner such hate towards her that she would have to suffer such humiliation as this?

Tang Zhi, the man she had been engaged to since the day she was born. The man she loved and trusted, betrayed her, drugged her, and then sent her to this hell. Before her mind went blank she saw a familiar face by Tang Zhi's side, her younger sister, Feng Lan… That cold smile that Feng Lan gave her as she was stripped of her dignity and tied down to the bed before being ruthlessly r*ped was forever imprinted into her mind.

After who knows how long did the men finally leave, leaving only Tang Zhi, Feng Lan, and Feng Xi. Feng Lan slowly walked over to the bed, her brow furrowed as she covered her nose with her hand. "Feng Xi, you fucking stink! I feel bad for Brother Zhi, having to live with such a loose woman like yourself. But that's okay. Did you know… that not once have you ever actually had sex with Brother Zhi? Each time he would drug you and send someone else in to take his place."

Letting out a laugh, Feng Lan took out a knife and leaned close to Feng Xi's face. Slowly trailing the cold steel across her cheek. "Brother Zhi made a good deal of money off of prostituting you out. And while you were being raped by some random guy, his dick was deep in my pussy doing its best to impregnate me. Sadly we had to use protection. Since if I did get pregnant it would have ruined our plans. But now everything is settled. The video we recorded just now will ruin you to the point that you will never be able to show your face in public again. You will even be disowned from the Feng family and removed from the family record."

Feng Xi's eyes opened wide at Feng Lan's words. From the beginning? She had always felt it was funny that she would wake up the next morning after making love not remembering much. Tang Zhi would always give her a 'fertility' pill before they had sex. Now she realized, it was not a fertility drug but an aphrodisiac!

"Oh and do not think that you can just go out and find some random man to take care of you. Because of the drug Brother Zhi was giving you, you can no longer bear a child. But just in case, let's make sure this beautiful face of yours can no longer attract a soul. But I will be nice and make sure that you can always smile!" Another sinister laugh came out of Feng Lan's mouth as she ruthlessly stabbed down into Feng Xi's cheek.

Blood spattered as Feng Lan sliced both sides of Feng Xi's cheeks giving her a permanent and hideous smile. She did not stop there and she continued to carve up Feng Xi's face as she laughed maniacally.

Feng Xi felt no pain, she was already numb to the world around her. She continued to stare at the ceiling as Feng Lan used the knife on her face. Ten minutes later when Feng Lan had finally felt satisfied She gave out one last laugh as she picked up all of Feng Xi's discarded clothes.

"Since you're a slut anyway there is no need for you to wear clothes. If you wish to leave, leave the same way you came into this world. Brother Zhi let's go!" Feng Lan's temperament completely changed when facing Tang Zhi. She smiled brightly, nothing like the sinister girl who just ruthlessly destroyed her sister's future.

"Mmmm... No sense staying in this room, the dirty smell of this slut will cling to our skin, let's go to the Golden Pavilion, I already made reservations." Tang Zhi gave Feng Lan a loving look as he patted her hand pulling her out of the dark dingy room.

Hours passed as Feng Xi laid on the bed. Blood dripped from her face as she slowly got up. Her body covered in bruises and the juices of the random men. Her mind was no longer in a state where she could see the world around her. She got off the bed and dragged her body towards the door. Slowly but surely she climbed the steps out of the dingy basement, leaving puddles of blood with each step.

When she saw the outside world she realized she was in an abandoned building that was tucked away in a forestry area. Off in the distance, she could hear the sounds of a train's horns. Her body unconsciously moved towards the sounds. The loss of blood had already clouded her thinking. She no longer cared if she lived or died.

She dragged her broken body as the lights of the incoming train could be seen off in the distance. Even with her face a bloody mess, Feng Xi let out a pitiful gurgled laugh. Finally, tears slowly trickled down her cheeks as she waited patiently for the train ahead to come.

The train's light got bigger and bigger, Feng Xi saw that the train driver was not paying attention which made her breath a sigh of relief. 'I can finally end my torment.' She opened her arms wide as if she was welcoming a loved one into a hug. The train did not stop as it slammed into her body.

The world spun as the light of the moonlight began to grow dark. Feng Xi's final thoughts were… "If I could do it all over again, I will never fall in love and I would make sure to pay back this life debt tenfold..."