Making A White Lotus Show Their True Colors

Feng Xi was acting as frantic as she could to make it seem more realistic. The caring and loving sister, being worried about her dear, dear little sister whose nose was bleeding. Was all anyone would see if they saw the situation.

"My hand!" Feng Lan cried out.

"Lan'er what's wrong with your hand?" Feng Xi looked down at Feng Lan who was still on the floor with a worried expression on her face.

"You're standing on it!" Feng Lan yelled out.

"Standing on it? Standing on what. More importantly, what's wrong with your hand Lan'er!? Is it broken? Will it become crippled?"

"You're doing this on purpose aren't yo… AHH! Stop grinding your foot you bitch!"

Success! Feng Xi knew it! The good little sister was actually this. A white lotus in disguise. The glare that Feng Lan was giving her now was exactly the glare she was looking for to be one hundred percent sure that Feng Lan had held deep hatred towards her. This was not a glare that came from anger from having her hand crushed, no, this glare was filled with malice and killing intent. For a girl only sixteen years of age Feng Xi should feel scared of such killing intent. But she was not the Feng Xi from before. She was Feng Xi who had been reborn after dying a horrid and unjust death.

Feng Xi knew she shouldn't be acting out right now but she had to make sure that the Feng Lan from her past life was the same Feng Lan now. So she had to push a little to get Feng Lan to drop her facade. Luckily this worked a lot easier than she had thought. It seems she was too trusting in her past life which allowed Feng Lan to walk all over her.

"Lan'er how can you use such vulgar words!? I am telling Father, he will make sure you never use these kinds of words again." Feng Xi shouted back at Feng Lan.

Her words caused Feng Lan to freeze. She knew if her father found out that she had cussed at her sister she would get ten hits from the board. It was an ancient punishment but it still thrived in the noble and the Imperial families.

"Big Sister Xi, I'm sorry! I do not know what came over me! I know you didn't mean to step on my hand. It was just very painful." Feng Lan gritted her teeth and apologized. Feng Xi knew that Feng Lan would back down easily with the mention of her father, which means this incident will not be reported to anyone but maybe Jiang Yi, Her stepmother. And Jiang Yi will not do anything about it at this time if she is one of the masterminds of her death in her past life.

'I just need to slowly peel the mask off this sister of mine and also find out if Jiang Yi is part of this or not. For now, I need to finish this act.'

"It's fine Lan'er. I promise not to tell Father. Right now tending to your injuries is more important. Come in my room I will have Ru'er fetch the first aid kit we need to get you cleaned up." Feng Xi gently and caringly helped Feng Lan up off the ground. If anyone were to look at this scene they would think that Feng Xi truly cared about Feng Lan.

"N-No it's fine! It's just a small bruise. I will go back to my room and ice it a bit. I actually forgot that I had to finish a bit of homework which I need to do before we head back to the academy." Feng Lan did not want to stay in Feng Xi's presence any longer.

"Then please do take care of yourself Lan'er." Seeing Feng Lan off Feng Xi went back into her room and stretched.

As Feng Lan walked away she gritted her teeth and mumbled under her breath: "Just you wait bitch! When we get to the Academy just see how I take care of you!" A sinister smile formed on her lips but quickly vanished as she hurried her steps towards her room.

Back in Feng Xi's room, Ru'er was standing there staring at Feng Xi in disbelief. She had just watched the whole thing. She quickly walked over to Feng Xi, placed her hand onto Feng Xi's forehead, and then on to her own. "That's odd... Young Miss does not have a fever..."

"Ru'er your speaking your thoughts out loud and I can hear them!" Feng Xi was not mad, she let out a laugh at the little girl's antics.

"But Young Miss you, just now, purposely did all those things."

"Ru'er is smart but from now, what you see your Young Miss do you must take it in stride and forget it ever happened okay? In return for your loyalty to me, I will never treat you wrong and make sure to find you a handsome and rich man to take care of you in the future. How does that sound." Feng Xi teased.

Ru'er face turned red and she hid it within her hands: "Young Miss, Ru'er is too young to think of such things!"

The rest of the day passed leisurely. Feng Xi spent it chatting with Ru'er while buffing up on the things she would be studying in the academy. The Academy was called Heavens Fall Academy. it was situated in a secure location that was in the mountains. The Academy itself was located right above a waterfall that came out of the mountain side. No one was allowed to enter the Academy grounds without the proper identification or else they would be killed on the spot. This was because of the kids that went there were all elites.

Students of the Academy were nobles from all over China and those from high society that had the money and reputation to enter the Academy. This ranged from sons and daughters of the rich and teen singers and actors who made the money themselves.

Being the daughter of General Feng was more than enough for Feng Xi and Feng Lan to enter Heavens Fall Academy. General Feng's status amongst the nobles was just that under the Emperor's brother.

As the day turned to evening, General Feng had finally come home from the afternoon court session at the Palace. The first thing he did was call both Feng Xi and Feng Lan to his office. Feng Shun, Feng Xi's father looked at the two girls. It was as if he was trying to see through to their souls. Feng Xi remembered she used to always be afraid of her Father because of this but now she stared right back at him with a small smile on her face.

Seeing this, Feng Shun was a bit stunned. He did not expect Feng Xi to smile at him and look him straight in the eye without averting her gaze. Just seeing this made Feng Shun nod his head in approval.

"In a few days' time you both will be returning to the Academy. Lan'er, I expect you to finish first as you normally do. Xi'er… Just do not embarrass the Feng family." Pausing for a moment Feng Shun seemed to have remembered something. "Xi'er you will be meeting with your fiance from the Tang family, Tang Zhi in a few days. He is your future husband so make sure you leave a good impression on him. "

Feng Xi's body shook. 'Leave a good impression on him? He will be lucky if I do not kill him where he stands on the day of our first meeting!'

Knowing it will probably not help, Feng Xi still asked: "Father, can I not marry into the Tang family?"