Entering The Academy Part One

About an Hour Earlier…

"Oh! Jin'er you called us!?" Emperor Tian was all smiles getting a call from Prince Jin.

"Father Emperor, did you get that information I asked you to look into?" Prince Jin asked.

"Un! It seems that little Feng Lan girl is quite the slut, we feel bad for Xi'er!" Emperor Tian replied.

"Then Father Emperor, I will have to ask you to take just enough information to make my future father in law understand that not everything is as it seems. Too much help and Xi'er might get mad at me. Also while you are there settle my engagement with Xi'er, she had just asked me to marry her!" Prince Jin said happily. Today was the happiest he had ever been in his entire life.

"Then we will go now. Hold on a second. Ambassador whatever your name is, we have to go settle my son's engagement so we will be leaving now! Jin'er, we will call you later with the good news!"

Prince Jin chuckled as the phone hung up. His father was always one to drop everything to accomplish what he asked. But he had never asked for things unless it was truly important. He wanted information on Feng Lan, Jiang Yi, and the Tangs. Feng Xi already said she wanted to take care of them herself but he figured since she did not have the right connections just yet, he would prepare this in advance for the time when she comes and asks for it and also his father can use it to punish the Tangs.

Present time…

"Young Miss we have arrived at the lift!" Ru'er announced waking Feng Xi out of her daze. She got out of the car and stretched her arms and legs. When she looked up towards the lift she saw Prince Jin's handsome face smiling at her walking over to her.

"Xi'er did, father in law call you yet?" Prince Jin asked.

"Father in law? Huh? Why?" Feng Xi was suddenly confused. 'Why was he saying father in law they were not engaged yet...' or so she thought. At that moment her phone rang and it was indeed from her father. "Hello?"

"Xi'er, I just want to let you know that your engagement has been canceled with that little shit from the Tang family. And your engagement with Prince Jin has been settled. You two are now officially engaged, congratulations!" Feng Shun said happily.

Feng Xi's mind went completely blank. "Wait father how did..." She then remembered Prince Jin saying father in law and looked up at the smiling teen boy in front of her. "You! You! Why did you move so fast!?"

"I was making sure you could not change your mind! You asked me to marry you and I decided since I still do not have your love yet, I would lock you in so you have no choice now! " Prince Jin said honestly causing Feng Xi's anger to rise.

"Father I will call you later!" She hung up the phone causing Feng Shun who was on the other line to mumble the word "they are cute" to himself. He had of course heard what was being said on the other side.

"Couldn't you have at least given me a few more days!?" Feng Xi couldn't believe how fast this kid worked. She thought she would have at least a week to mull over her options just in case there was another way out but now it was locked in stone. There would be no way to break the engagement unless Prince Jin allowed it!

Tapping her foot with her arms across her chest. Just looking at Prince Jin's smug grin that loudly read, I won, made her want to just flip him over her shoulder! "Ahhh! Fine! What's done is done, let's get going or we will need to wait to the next lift."

Feng Xi could only roll with it. She would let things play out. If she really could not fall in love with him by the time they were to get married she would just ask for it to all be canceled. She did make a promise to him and she was a woman of her word. If she really did start harboring feelings for Prince Jin in the romantic sense she would give him her everything.

"Xi'er, wait until you hear the better news. I am sure one ugly girl will come running to you soon." Prince Jin figured Feng Lan would come and cause trouble with Feng Xi. So he figured it was best he told her straight out what he had his father do in order to let Feng Shun know what has been going on.

"What did you do now?" Feng Xi saw Prince Jin's sly look and couldn't help but be intrigued.

Seeing her eyes sparkling he knew this caught her interest and smugly said: "I am not sure if I should tell you or not."

Of course, Feng Xi was not going to let him get away with that so she slid up next to him and blinked her pretty eyes and said: "Jin'er will you really not tell me?" All while pouting her bottom lip.

"Xi'er that is playing dirty!" Prince Jin suddenly realized to get her way she would use this card every time on him and it would work! She was shameless, too shameless! He tried to resist as much as he could but she kept edging her face closer and closer. Her pretty red lips that adorned her adorable face were so close he couldn't help but… lean in and give them a peck!

Feeling the warm lips suddenly getting planted on her lips Feng Xi wanted to curse the gods for allowing her to let her guard down like that. She did not know why but she would always let her guard down around Prince Jin! She was always wide open! She was angry, really angry! "Prince Jin you rogue! You better tell me now that you took advantage of me!"

'Who was taking advantage of who!?' Prince Jin yelled in his head. Were you not just using your feminine wiles to get what you wanted? "Fine let's call it even, hey do you need to apply alcohol to your lips!?"

"I do not want to catch some pervert disease!" While the two who were flirting away they did not realize that the entire student body was staring at them with mouths wide open. It was like they were in their own little world and no one else existed around them. All their thoughts were is this really Prince Jin!? The ruthless Prince Jin who would kill anyone who touched him!?

Hearing the word pervert disease, Prince Jin gritted his teeth and turned around and started walking away. "Not telling!"

Hearing him say that Feng Xi quickly ran forward and tugged on his sleeve: "Jin'er don't be like that I was just joking!"

Prince Jin's lips curled up and he stopped his steps and turned back toward Feng Xi. "I will tell you but not here. After we get into the Academy and get registered we will go to your courtyard and I will tell you everything."

"Promise me!" Feng Xi quickly added. She noticed one thing was that Prince Jin was a man of his word. So if he promises he will definitely do what he can to keep it.

"I promise! Come on let's go!"


Feng Xi reached behind her and grabbed Ru'er by the hand and pulled her along. All their bags would be transported up separately and delivered to their respected courtyards for them.

While Feng Xi was having a good time. Feng Lan was not. Her face paled when she received a text from her mother. She looked at the smiling Feng Xi, and killing intent flashed in her eyes. "Be happy while you can you little bitch, your time will come!"