Path To Money!

The next morning Feng Xi continued to be in a depressed mood. She was only able to get a few more hours of sleep before needing to get up and ready for class. But her mood quickly lifted when she heard her cell phone ring and the caller id showed the name, Dai Fen. "Grandpa Dai!"

"Haha! Little girl, you are amazing. I spent the past few days running numbers on ingame purchase and ad revenue and one game alone can gain a few million yuan a year. If it is expanded to international markets, almost one billion yuan a year!" Dai Fen was almost hyperventilating when he was saying these numbers he really couldn't understand how this girl's brain worked! She was a genius, a pure genius!

"Grandpa Dai that is just the beginning! So in the next few years do not have a heart attack when you have to count a few hundred billion at once." Feng Xi was very happy hearing these numbers. All she needed to do was get the game out and things would really begin. "How has the property search gone?"

"No worries little miss I found the perfect place. It has already been bought and the underground training center has already begun its construction. Upstairs has been outfitted with a few offices with enough space for one hundred employees. But with the starting staff, it will seem a bit lonely. Since your stock has gone up why not expand the staff to amount fifty and get a few games out. Right now you can have a full team of say, five artists, fifteen 3D molders, ten animators, and twenty coders and debuggers." Dai Fen suggested.

"Hmm, it still fits the scope of things even if I do expand now. Alright, sell enough stock to hold the company and training of my force for the next few years… Actually… Look into QT Technology. Their stock should bloom soon as well, take a million and invest in them. Right now the stock should be around ten yuan a share. That stock alone will spike up to almost 1k yuan in the bull market in the next three months. Once it reaches that point, sell it all!" Feng Xi was trying to remember everything she could from her past life because it was the only advantage she had on making money and gaining the ground to step up on stage as one of the wealthiest people in China.

"Alright will do as you say. What's the worst you can do, lose a million right!? You got a few hundred million as it is! Ahaha! " Dia Fen was in a really good mood. "Alright, lass, I will let you go. I am sure you are on your way to school. I will call you next week with a report."

"Okay, Grandpa Dia. I will speak to you next week." Feng Xi hung up her phone feeling in a much better mood which was completely ruined when she saw Prince Jin standing at her courtyard gate waiting for her.

Feng Xi made sure to put on her most beautiful smile as she slowly walked towards Prince Jin. She stopped right in front of him, blinked her pretty eyes, and reached out to grab his hand. Prince Jin thinking nothing of it obediently let her grab his hand only to see the world turning upside down yet again. Not only that, Feng Xi even stomped on his stomach, turned around, grabbed Eunuch Li, and tossed him over her shoulder to right on top of Prince Jin.

Dusting her hands off she turned to Ru'er who was standing there in shock with her mouth wide open and said: "Ru'er come on we will be late for class!" and walked off feeling much more refreshed.

Prince Jin who was laying flat on the ground, his Eunuch laying on top of him suddenly felt like he did something wrong. "Eunuch Li did I make Xi'er mad?"

Eunuch Li wanted to scream of course you did something wrong! You took perverted pictures of her while she was asleep! Of course, he played stupid and did not say what was on his mind instead he said: "I am not sure your highness maybe it was the pictures you took?"

"How could it be that? Xi'er wouldn't get mad over a few pictures."Prince Jin wore a serious expression on his face as he said this. He truly felt he did nothing wrong with taking perverted pictures of Feng Xi while she was sleeping.

Eunuch Li sat up and felt like elbow dropping the Prince that was still underneath him. "Your Highness we need to leave or we will be late."

"Ahh yes, we can not make Xi'er think we are bad at school by skipping." Prince Jin quickly got up and stopped Eunuch Li from wiping off the footprint left by Feng Xi. "Xi'er gave it to me so I will wear it with pride."

Eunuch Li, suddenly felt that his master had hurt his brain. Who gives a footprint as a present? It was clearly done out of malice! "Your highness are you drunk?"

"Why would I be drunk? I just woke up! Eunuch Li I think you need to see the school physician while I am in class and get your head checked." Prince Jin said as he walked away.

Eunuch Li stood there in disbelief! 'I need my head checked? You damn love sick fool. You just let a girl slam you on the ground stomp on you and then slam another person on top of you and you find this all normal!?' Eunuch Li wanted to cry but had no tears to do so.

Walking down the trail Feng Xi was assisting Ru'er down a ledge when Ru'er asked: "Young Miss is it okay to do what you just did?"

"Hmm? Why not? He asked for it. It's payment for secretly taking pictures of me while I was asleep! Teach him to be a pervert!" Feng Xi said through gritted teeth. Now she was angry again! She wondered if she should wait for Prince Jin just to flip him one again! "Anyway, Ru'er, forget about that pervert, we will be late for class if we waste time on him."

Thinking of class Ru'er eyes suddenly lit up. "Young Miss, are you finally going to show that rotten teacher Song Xinya what you are made of?"

"Mhm! In the first class of the year, we take a test to see who is at the top of the grade. I can guarantee that she will accuse me of cheating. So I will make sure to strike first." Feng Xi did not want to deal with the hassle of being accused of cheating so she decided she would make the invigilator stand near her desk to watch what she was doing. This way if Song Xinya grades her scores and screams the cheating card, she will have proof that she didn't. She had no real issue with Song Xinya, but if she did start giving her a hard time, she would deal with her as well.