Trouble Inbound

Two months passed. Feng Xi and Prince Jin now truly looked like a couple. Every day they could be seen going to and fro from class, at the beginning and end of the day holding hands. This kind of slow progression was perfect for Feng Xi. Her feelings for Prince were slowly being nurtured. A lot of it had to do with the way Prince Jin went about things. He never forced her to do anything she disliked. As of now in the past two months, they had only one more passionate kiss since the last one and it was initiated by Feng Xi. This trait was something that Feng Xi liked about Prince Jin, he was very considerate towards her and let her do all the leading, so she can go at her own pace.

While some were happy as can be, Feng Lan was not so happy. At least once or twice a week while she was stuck in bed not able to move she had been used in every which way by a different set of boys. After the first three times, she gave up trying to resist and just decided to enjoy it. Her main issue was that none of her pain medications worked no matter how much she took. This was all because Xin'er had exchanged her medication with sugar pills each time she got new ones.

To top it all off she could not get a hold of her mother at all. Even when she called Tang Na, Tang Na said she couldn't contact her either. But she did get one piece of good news. Tang Zhi was going to be heading to the Academy. Since he was an upperclassman who graduated from Heavens Fall Academy, he still had the right to enter and leave as he pleased. Tang Na had suggested this after hearing everything she had to go through with Feng Xi, this did not include the time she was forced to spend with the boys. Fen Lan couldn't wait. Because Tang Zhi wanted Feng Xi dead. She had made him a laughing stock in the capital by breaking off their engagement. Thought of Feng Xi getting her retribution made Feng Lan want to jump for joy.

"Young Miss, Tang Zhi is coming to the Academy in three days." Xin'er said as soon as she saw Feng Xi.

"Oh? So they are finally going to start to move. This will be a bit troublesome." Feng Xi knew Tang Zhi was not like Feng Lan; he was very good at scheming. Not only that, but he had a lot of connections within the academy with some of the noble sons and daughters. One of those people happens to be Fan Min who had been quiet as of late.

Letting out a sigh Feng Xi could only bitterly laugh. "Seems my peaceful days at the Academy are over!"

"Xi'er just needs to hold my hand and nothing bad will happen." Prince Jin said as he popped a grape into Feng Xi's mouth.

"Jin'er if I hold your hand through everything, I will never grow as a person. Right now this is a good test for me. When I finally enter the business world, I will be faced with opponents ten times stronger than people like Tang Zhi." Feng Xi knew how harsh the business world was. If you even make one wrong step your entire career, even your life could be over and you wouldn't even know what happened. Compared to what she was dealing with now, it was as if she was trying to fight a war against a bunch of toddlers with water guns.

"If that is what Xi'er wants then I will step aside. But..." Prince Jin's whole aura suddenly changed. It became chilly with strong killing intent. "But, if anyone of them lays a finger on you, I will teach them what it means to touch a future member of the royal family. No one is allowed to touch my Princess Consort."

Feng Xi who was sitting in Prince Jin's lap which seemed to be routine for when Prince Jin was over, smiled brightly and leaned up giving Prince Jin a kiss. "This is why Jin'er is my man!"

"Oh, just a peck?" Prince Jin said teasingly causing Feng Xi to blush.

"I will give you a reward later when you leave tonight." Feng Xi said, biting her lower lip. She was somewhat anticipating their kiss later.

"Then I will be waiting!" Prince Jin said as he hugged Feng Xi tighter. Xin'er and Ru'er were now used to the scene of these two flirting. It was basically a daily event. Every day after school Prince Jin would come to Feng Xi's courtyard and not leave until after dinner. Luckily Ru'er was able to get help from Eunuch Li with the cooking because it had become too much on her with four people!

Feng Xi suddenly remembered something and turned her attention back to Xin'er. " Xin'er, you will no longer go back to Feng Lan. You can take one of the extra side rooms here. Pick whichever one is free. You can help Eunuch Li and Ru'er with the cleaning and cooking from now on. But let me warn you now."

Feng Xi's eyes narrowed as she looked at Xin'er. "I do not fully trust you. So any suspicious activity from you will result in you not being able to wake up the next day. I am sure you understand what I mean by this."

Xin'er back suddenly became covered in a cold sweat. The frosty chill in Feng Xi's eyes told her she was not joking. If she messed up once she would be dead! Xin'er plopped to the ground on her hands and knees and kowtowed to Feng Xi. "Young Miss! I, Xin'er swear to never betray you or any of those around you!"

"Let's hope you keep this promise. Because you have already betrayed one master." After saying this Feng Xi' opened her mouth to let Prince Jin pop a grape into it. She then leaned her head against his chest and closed her eyes to rest while waiting for dinner. The spot she was in, the spot on Prince Jin's lap was where she felt the most comfortable and safest. Sometimes she wished she was older so she could use him as a body pillow at night.