Bloodied Knuckles

Tang Zhi's gaze followed where Feng Xi's finger was pointing. He suddenly got a whiff of rancid air that floated over from the cage. The men in the cage were visibly unclean. Tang Zhi's back became drenched in cold sweat. He turned his head back towards Feng Xi with a bit of fear in his eyes. But all he saw was a cold gaze filled with killing intent. "Now I will give you an option, I can spare you if you give up every name that is behind all of this or you can suffer the consequences. Pick, I will give you ten seconds to decide."

Tang Zhi looked back at the cage and did not even wait a second before yelling out: "I'll talk! I will tell you!"

"Okay tell me." Feng Xi took out her phone and turned on the camera and started recording.

"The entire Tang family, Feng Lan, Jiang Yi and the Jiang Family, and my aunt Imperial Consort Yun." Tang Zhi answered.

"And what do they want?" Feng Xi had a feeling she knew but it was better to hear from the culprit's mouth.

"They want command over the Imperial army. If you die the command token that is supposed to be inherited by you when your father dies, will then go to Jiang Yi or Feng Lan. They were then going to turn that over to my aunt. Who would then give both the Jiang family and the tang family huge benefits. " Tang Zhi explained.

"Oh?" Feng Xi only said one word, her face went cold as ice before stomping her foot down onto Tang Zhi's face. His nose instantly broke up spraying blood all over him. She did not stop there as she stomped on his face quite a few times. When his head hit the ground she then raised her fist and began punching him ruthlessly in the face. Not a word came out of her mouth as she continued her onslaught. One hand over the other she did not stop until Prince Jin finally came over and pulled her off him.

"Jin'er I'm not done! Let me kill him!" Feng Xi shouted. Only to be pulled into Prince Jin's embrace. She had not noticed that her own knuckles had broken open and were bleeding. She only knew that people were trying to use her to get her father's things! She wondered now if they had tried to kill her father after her death! She wanted nothing more than to beat this man to death!

"Xi'er your hands are precious, how can you use them to touch something so dirty. Look, you even hurt yourself. " Prince Jin used his robe and gently wiped the blood off Feng Xi's hands.

"TSsss… ouch!" After finally calming down Feng Xi finally felt the pain in her knuckles. "I didn't realize they split open." Feng Xi pouted.

Prince Jin waved his hand and Eunuch Li quickly went to get a first aid kit. In just a few minutes he had come back and handed the first aid kit to Prince Jin who opened it and pulled out some alcohol swabs. Seeing the alcohol swabs Feng Xi began to panic because she knew it was going to hurt! "Jin'er let's talk about this! We can just run some cold water over it an…. AHHHHH!!"

Prince Jin did not even flinch as he dabbed the swab over her wounds causing Feng Xi to yell out in pain. Feng Xi looked at Prince Jin, her bottom lip pouting, tears hanging in her eyes. It hurt so much! But before she had time to make a complaint she screamed out once again as Prince Jin did the other hand! "Demon!" She finally yelled out.

"Not a demon, just making sure it does not get infected. I can't have my woman's hands become disfigured over some trash." Prince Jin held her hand and put on some antibiotics before gently wrapping her hands up.

Feng Xi looked at his handy work and let out a laugh. He had wrapped her hand up to the point she could not even move her fingers and there were two huge bows on her hand where he tied it! Just seeing it brought a smile to her face and made her heart feel warm. She knew Prince Jin did it on purpose to bring up her mood a little. Seeing her smile, Prince Jin knew he did his job. He looked over at the bloodied Tang Zhi and asked: "What to do with him?"

Feng Xi looked over and then looked at his hands before saying: "He hurt my Jin'er's woman's precious hands so toss him in the cage!"

Hearing these words the bloodied Tang Zhi who had many teeth missing and a face that had been mangled to the point that not even his mother would recognize him, still yelled out a gurgled plea for mercy. But his pleas fell of deaf ears as Eunuch Li had him dragged into the cage and had the cage door locked shut. "You all may now take the medicine I just gave you. The man in front of you will now be your toy for the night."

The twenty dirty old men all quickly took their medicine and stripped out of their clothes. Prince Jin quickly covered Feng Xi's eyes and said: "You are only allowed to see mine."

Feng Xi let out another laugh and pushed her face into Prince Jin's chest, climbed up his body and wrapped her legs and arms around him holding on to him, hugging him like a koala bear. "Take me to your courtyard, we will sleep there tonight."

Prince Jin did not need any more words, with large strides he headed out of the courtyard. Ru'er and Xin'er quickly followed after with their pillows in hand. Eunuch Li gave a few words to the guards who were unfortunately going to be forced to stay to watch over the situation. Before taking off running trying to get as far away from the courtyard as possible. He may be a Eunuch but he did not want to stay to see that scene either. He still liked women!

Watching his quickly retreating back the guards did not know whether to laugh or cry!