After The Dust Settles

Feng Xi got up from her seat and walked behind Prince Jin, draped her arms over his shoulders, and leaned her head down and kissed the side of his neck. Before looking at the cameras in front of her smiling. "I would like all of China to know that this here is my husband. He belongs to me and I belong to him. If anyone has any designs on my husband I hope you have life insurance."

Her words were landed in everyone's ears as if a bomb had just gone off. This was a huge scoop! There was a new official Princess in the Imperial Family and she just threatened every girl young and old! Feng Xi was basically saying to every girl in the nation if you think you can take my man away, you can try but be ready to return in a coffin! This was a blatant threat! The reporters all looked towards Prince Jin and then the Emperor to see their reactions to Feng Xi's words only to see that both men were smiling away at the young girl! This was their silent consent to what she just said!