After Jordan left the survivors he returned to the office he proclaimed his room, he was sitting behind a desk and was looking at a rough drawing of the town plaza
In the right top corner, there were some numbers such as how many people can the plaza accommodate when being walled up, or the length of the wall that is needed to be rebuilt, and so on, on the map there were also various areas that were colored with various colors, some of the colors meant that strong beasts were there and other were signalizing buildings that required to be torn down to make a place for cowsts and so on.
It was the only rough plan but it was what Jordan was working with and now he was trying to think of a job that isn't particularly hard, some will be cooking, some will be sorting the books from the library but what with the rest?
Jordan was thinking for a bit and thought ´so we need more food, I will assign some to take care of the beasts, someone will be counting their numbers and so on, now that the beasts started to have cubs it starts to get troublesome to count them´
The beasts under Jordan were already having young, the rate at which the beasts reproduced and the speed at which the young grew was truly amazing, the mana accelerated the pregnancy and the growth of young, it was yet to see if it applied to humans as well.
Thinking about the beasts Jordan slapped his thigh ´shit this isn't what I am supposed to focus on, so anyway how should I solve it? Besides the meat the source of food is vegetables or other plants, maybe that is the solution for both the low strength work and also food, we will start growing plants, with how everyone mutated the plants should mutate as well, I will raid floriculture and with this, we will start planting and agriculture from the start´
Jordan was satisfied with his idea and almost patted himself on back, ´the only problem is some good place with dirt where we can plant the seeds if it´s somewhere out of the plaza others will steal it, for now, we should start planting in the nearby park, if that succeeds we can move from here´
Jordan was looking at the center of the plaza on the map, the center which was used for gatherings, right now there was stone floor but that can be gradually removed and remake to a small field, ´that is after the whole plaza is walled off´
With this thought of Jordan moved to the books he gained from the demon camp, aside from the two books about mana and one which he already had there were two demon dictionaries and catalogs, the catalogs were thrown to a corner and the dictionaries were stored for later.
Jordan moved to the second magic tome and flipped through it, it contained spells of the third circle and a few of the fourth circle, the spell of the fourth circle seemed really powerful, the descriptions were telling the details and Jordan read "creates dozens of 20 cm (7in) long temporary blades that will be floating around the user, the user can use them to attack, range 30 meters" and that was one of the weaker ones, the advantage of those spells was that they were adjusted to require the minimum amount of mana for maximum performance, the disadvantage was that those spells were commonly known if they were sold, no sane mage would sell spell he depends on, it would be like telling his enemies how they counter him.
But that didn't bother Jordan, what he was looking for was the barrier spell, he looked it up and read through it, and analyzed the diagram.
The barrier was a third circle spell, Jordan was confident that he can replicate the weaker second circle version, even if it´s only a mana shield instead of a barrier, still, it will at least take several days to make, before he was making spell from already pre-prepared circles, the adjustments Jordan had in mind will be much harder, he has something from which he can take inspiration from, still, he has to remake the spell completely.
As the mana shield will take some time Jordan decided to leave it for later, for now, he will go and raid the floriculture, while doing so he will also visit the building industry and look for some cement, also when he is at it, he should look for more tools such as pickaxes, rakes, hammers, shovels and so on.
With the sharp increase of people, to be precise it is increasing from 0 to 230 or so the need for tools skyrocketed as well.
Jordan already took some tools for the goblins before but now it isn't nearly enough. "arggh, and I thought it would be an easy trip"
He stood up called the goblin workers and several beasts to protect them, the goblins will be once again going with handbarrow to easily move the stuff, even though Jordan rather wanted to laze around he decided to move right away, the longer he waits the bigger possibility that someone raids the shops Jordan aims for.
With this Jordan moved out while leaving the security to the goblin warriors and Sunny and the other beasts, those are enough to prevent any unwanted escapist or invader.
The first stop was the floriculture, it didn't take long and Jordan with his subordinates reached it as the floriculture was located in the plaza.
Surprisingly the shop was mostly un-touch, ´well when the apocalypse comes you don't usually go for seed and flowers´.
Jordan filled the handbarrows with every seed he found there, he also packed some hoes and small garden shovels, the handbarrows were full so Jordan and his group made their way back.
Usually, the beasts and goblins moved separately from Jordan who was scouting and making sure they don't fight uselessly.
From time to time Jordan would climb on some smaller houses and would look from the roof on the surrounding, he noticed that there were many more groups of humans looking around, they were no longer looting supermarkets, they were looking through houses, and with shouts of joy, they celebrated every bit of food they found.
Jordan planned the route back, he wanted to check the building industry, the group took a bit of a detour and waited as Jordan scouted ´fuck, looks like someone already took over the building industry´ Jordan didn't want to risk being exposed so he returned to his base and left the seed and gardening tools in the library.
´So, either I found something else that can work as cement or I build it without it, I could also invade the camp… that is risky, now that I have the survivors here I should focus on stabilizing´
After Jordan unloaded his cargo he returned to the rest of the town, he already looted the tools from the ironmonger that was located at the town plaza so he had to move to one that was located further in, the town of Hazleton was quite small with only 50 000 residents but they still had several copies of such shops, Jordan didn't have high expectations but he still decided to check.
This trip was a bit longer and after about twenty minutes they got to the ironmonger, this one was already raided but few tools were still around, Jordan and his goblins took everything they could and then went back, just as they were about to go back a group of humans appeared from behind the corner, they had to go straight to them and approached them when Jordan and company were looting the ironmonger.
Jordan ´shit, I should have stayed and make sure no one gets near but if I did so the goblins would take half the stuff, no point crying about it now…´
Jordan got in stance with his hammer and faced a group of 15 survivors.