
Jordan spent the night training the shield spell and when the sun started to show itself Jordan was confident enough to start with filling the circles but that will wait for another night.

The plan for the next several days was to rebuild the wall even if only temporarily, retake the plaza, visit the moon platform, and take the monthly income.

´Hardest thing will be retaking the plaza that´s for sure´ quite the number of beasts settled there and a very small number of those beasts was even at third phase but that isn't the problem, quite the opposite as Jordan can subdue those beasts, with Sunny´s help it would be piece of cake.

The problem is that the beasts will continue to come here until the wall is built and that will take a considerable amount of time, and with the wall build, there will be a need for patrols and so on.

Until now it was fine because most of Jordan´s beasts just hanged out around the library and the fortress so while they stayed outside they served guards, and a lookout was provided by the flying beasts even though they were quite unreliable.

With the sun up Jordan went outside and rallied his beasts, when Jordan opened the door he saw all the humans under him already outside standing around and preparing for work, they stood in a row, and before them, there was Jane and several other men and women that were probably leading the groups.

Jordan only nodded at them as they greeted him, with the humans there were all the second phase beasts and some phase one beasts, it was to protect them and to prevent them from running away.

Jordan could spare the beasts because he no longer sends them to town, it was too dangerous as many groups of humans roamed around in search of food, the only beasts Jordan send out were the cat-like beasts and Luna (second phase cat beast) and in particular, Jordan sends them to find any other demon camps or just lone demons, this time Jordan hoped to find some reasonable ones because the knowledge about the big angel camp somewhat disturbed his plans.

Jordan left the base with Max and Sunny and went to the town plaza, in the base, there were the goblins and most of the first phase beasts together with ratmen to defend against any possible intruders.

And what came next was akin to labor rather than fighting, Jordan had to go to every house in the plaza and check it for any beasts.

It went like that: Jordan kicked the doors to open and tamed the first few lucky beasts. With the ability on cooldown he didn´t bother with the rest a just killed them, looted what could be useful, and moved on.

After several houses Jordan got a bit proficient and changed his tactic, first he rounded the beasts then used the taming ability and killed the rest that was away or did not get tamed, that strategy increased efficiency but took more time.

With the intimidation of Jordan, Sunny, and Max the taming went most of the time without a hitch and even most of the second phase beasts got tamed on the first try.

Like that Jordan continued and cleared so many houses that he stopped counting, ´I didn't plan to finish in a day but shit, there is way too many houses now that I have to go to every one of them… well, at least there will be more than enough space for everyone´

Before the mana came in the town plaza lived close to 2 thousand people, those people were mostly families with an average four-member so there is about 500 houses plus many restaurants and shops as the plaza was a busy place where business strived.

In conclusion, Jordan and the survivors under him had a lot of work before them.

It was already afternoon when Jordan with his huge group of beasts moved to the church that was next to be cleared, originally Jordan took with him only Max and Sunny, the other beasts were those he tamed, Jordan was periodically sending them back to base but with every house/tower block the number of beasts increased and Jordan was sick of going back to base every hour.

Jordan and the group made their way into the church and just as Jordan opened the church´s door he noticed something, in the church behind the benches there were the mutated lizardmen that Jordan saw back then when he was in Jack´s camp.

These lizardmen just like ratmen or goblins couldn't be called beasts, they made their first step towards civilization and were even capable of using tools so a better term to call them was monsters as they were foreign intelligent aggressive life-form.

As the lizardmen saw Jordan and his group they quickly ran away, Jordan didn't waste any time and followed them, the lizardmen didn't leave the church and instead went to the church´s underground basement.

As Jordan entered the underground basement he was quite shocked, there were several two meters tall lizardmen that were holding wooden clubs made from table legs, those lizardmen´s build almost started to look like that of humans, that was if humans had scales, tales, lizard mouths and un-proportional limbs that were rippling with muscles.

After the initial shock Jordan´s eyes lit up, they were just what he needs, even though the humans under him were recovering at an amazing rate it will still take some time before they can do the truly heavy labor, with those lizardmen this problem can be easily solved and that´s not all, based on theirs look they will be a great addition to Jordan´s forces.

Without any signal or warning, Jordan ran at the lizardmen, and shortly after his beasts followed.

The battle was a mess but ended shortly, as the battle happened in the basement the lizardmen had nowhere to run so they fought like crazed beasts, Jordan wanted them alive so he during the battle ordered his beasts to try and not kill them, because of this many of the weaker beasts died but Jordan didn't care about them, he won the main prize.

Jordan looked at the lizardmen kneeling before him and then at the lizardmen corpses lying in the corner of the basement, this time around something happened that Jordan did not expect and that something was what Jordan presumed was the lizardmen leader.

It was the strongest and the most intelligent lizardmen here, while fighting the leader even appeared to give orders to others but this was just a guess as Jordan can´t understand lizard language or whatever they used.

Jordan managed to subdue the leader but no matter what the leader did not give in, instead the leader even one time acted as if tamed and then attacked Jordan.

In the end, Jordan gave the leader honorable dead and decapitated him with his ax, but still, he was a bit sad, such a lizardman would be a great addition to his overall power.

"well, you have to be satisfied with what you have, and maybe I can nurture such a leader one day,"

Like that the first day of cleaning the plaza ended.