Jingming Shang's Debt

Lin Mu didn't know what Duan Ke was talking about, thus he looked at her in confusion. It seemed like there was some past relationship between the two of them and the merchant Jingming Shang. He wondered what it could be as right now it definitely did not seem like Duan Ke liked the man.

Jing Wei noticed Lin Mu's inquiring look and knew that it didn't matter if he spoke about it. They had already been together in this for a while now and it seemed to him that it would be fine, revealing it to Lin Mu.


"You know why I had to save him back then. We were in need and at that time he seemed to be the only choice. Plus, with us having saved him made Jingming Shang in our debt. Otherwise, our whereabouts would have long since been leaked if we dealt with any other merchants like him.

Although the man is a shrewd businessman, he still has a sense of honor and will follow through with his promise." Jing Wei said in a calm tone.