Convincing The Team

Hearing that Lin Mu wanted to get to the Wandering Sinkhole on his own, the others felt concerned and didn't know if it was good.

"You can't do that. It will be too dangerous to go alone. Plus with more people, we would be able to cover more ground." Hua San replied.

"That is exactly why I don't want you all to go. It will be too dangerous. If it's just me alone, I can deal with danger and escape if I want to. The greatest confidence I have is in my speed and ability to retreat. 

Plus, I won't be going alone completely, I'll be having another companion with me." Lin Mu spoke.

Hearing this, they were a bit confused but then realized that Lin Mu might be talking about Jing Luo.

"Why can senior Jing Luo come with you then?" Hua Wu asked.