Setting A New Record

The explosion was different from the ones that were caused by Lin Mu's fiery arrows that were made from a Qi skill.

The explosion was from pure Immortal Qi, and exuded a great amount of pressure. 


It was strong enough that Lin Mu's opponent didn't even have time to react.


His body turned into a flash of light and returned back to Rust Sky World.

"Huh…" Lin Mu who was left in the Spatial Plane, was stuck with an awkward expression. "I should lower the amount by half for regular attacks…" he noted.

Wanting to test out Wonder Seeker's full power, Lin Mu had used 10% of his entire Immortal Qi stores in his current attack. With the improvement of the bow, it absorbed Lin Mu's Immortal Qi rapidly and channeled it to create the arrow within seconds.