Similar Dao Embryo's And Removing Obstacles

The Dao Embryo was certainly different than most other Wood Dao Embryos Lin Mu had seen, and actually felt similar to Little Shrubby's own Dao Embryo.

"How were you able to recognize the Dao Skill from this?" Lin Mu questioned.

 "Just like how new saplings have rich vitality and are resilient, my Dao Embryo embodies that and imparts those characteristics to me." Ziran answered but saw the confusion on Lin Mu's face. "I think it is much easier to demonstrate it," he said before swiping his thumbnail across his finger.

This inflicted a small cut, from which red blood seeped out.

'So half elves have normal red blood too,' Lin Mu noted. 'Though does this apply to full blooded elves too?' he wondered upon seeing this.

But what he saw next, made him wide eyed.
