Immortal Court’s Physique Restoring Elixir

Lin Mu took a pause once he heard Xukong's words. Seeing that his master was telling him this, he understood that there was more to this matter than he knew.

'At the very least, it looks like the Temple Head is telling the truth,' Lin Mu thought and raised his hand. "I'd like to talk about this in private if you won't mind," he stated.

"Of course," Xing Duyi agreed quickly.

Lin Mu's companions also didn't question it, knowing that there were some secrets that shouldn't be pried into. His background was already mysterious to them, and now it seemed to be getting simply unbelievable.

But since this was coming from a well-established and trusted person like the Temple Head, there wasn't really a reason for them to doubt it.

Lady Kang, who seemed to know a bit more about the Spatial Master, was highly pleased, though.