New pokemon

If it's been 7 days since then, I spent those days in the forest training and battling around, having several life and death situations with my faithful Weedle and I'm thinking of letting him evolve in 10 days, I will need a new pokemon while he is in the form of kakuna, he is already a small monster, at the moment he is thinking of stealing a Caterpie egg from a nest, which is out of the way for beginners, these Butterfree are incredibly strong, they are the ones that cross the sea that Ash released or his Butterfree, only these are much stronger than Ash's and the couple I'm tracking is strong, luckily they are being targeted by some Fearows who are keeping an eye on the eggs and they are very close, I predict that they will attack tonight just the fact that these arrogant Fearow are acting cautiously towards this group already tells me how much this potential Caterpie is going to have.

It gets dark, my ability to walk without sound and remove my smell with some natural leaves makes me almost a ninja, in fact walking through these dangerous lands these days has greatly improved my ability to mix with nature, I get a good place and start test of patience what is the best time to go, I heard a sound of wings flapping and I realize that the Fearow has already started, they brought their flock and they go on the attack and I go slowly and calmly, little by little there is only a butterfree watching the eggs, I hope a little and a Fearow comes close and he moves to defend the nest, I take the egg from the leading couple and replace it with one that is close and cautiously retreat they are too involved in the battle to notice my presence from any way, when i reach a distance of 100 meters i start running to the safe area, i replace the egg with another one for not being sure if they lose this battle, but i won't feel guilty even if they manage to survive today without and deliver eggs and run away, there is a group of beedrill nearby that will certainly take advantage of this moment of weakness, this is a law of nature the strong eat the weak, set up camp and go to sleep satisfied with my performance.

I wake up with Weedle shaking me in the morning I knew I was going to sleep a little more today and I asked him to wake me up, Caterpie's egg starts to shine (damn it is no wonder that the Fearows are in a hurry to get these eggs that they were about to and to my surprise is not a normal Caterpie, he is yellow and starts to laugh loudly and surprises or Caterpie starts to laugh even though he looks a little embarrassed, another stroke of luck this one is also as loyal as weedle, I continue checking the Caterpie he is also a little bigger than normal despite being newborn, well today I must go back to the city to get more supplies and sell what I got here, and another check-up on the newborn Caterpie.