
I go back to Viridian and go straight to the pokemon center, ask nurse Joy to check my eggs which sounded indecent so she checked, the pokemon eggs and they are fine and mine are not, apparently nurse joy doesn't care if I'm a child of 7 years old, and said something about treatment so that I don't become a pervert.

A new day then I gather supplies to go to the Viridian forest, now I can hang around since the Trainers 7 insignia will only show up here in 4 or 5 months so my life is to explore the gigantic forest of the city of Viridian.

Skip Time 1 month later.

To my surprise the 2 eggs are due to be born today together, Burmy is born first and he is blue instead of black, so to my surprise I shocked another Shiny, oh how lucky I am, I take over to Nurse Joy and find out that he is male, luckier because I don't like Wormadam much, my desire to have a Burmy is that although he doesn't have a cocoon shape he has the ability to `` Shed Skin`` which I can practice my forging training method .

My nincada was born a few hours later he is a normal size, but Professor Oak himself guaranteed that his parents are of elite rank so I don't worry about that.

as for my other pokemons, they grow constantly and I've been trying to make my Scyther learn `` Iron defense`` which is something Scyther don't learn or haven't tried to learn, Scyther's lineage is almost completely offensive.

Skip Time ~ 1 month

My two new pokemons fit well with the team. I have a team full of Bug pokemons, so the older ones help to train the younger ones at the same time, they don't waste time to train, the younger ones spent this month improving their basic techniques and training their physique, and completely nourishing I plan to have this next month maintaining the same training only that much more difficult they will break their limits every day and accumulate many nutrients for the forging process the nincada will manage, but if it will if it splits into two pokemon it has grown a lot.

Contact Information

Beedrill: Poison Sting, String Shot, Bug Bite, Electroweb, Harden, Iron Defense, Twineedle, Fury Attack, Focus Energy, Venoshock, Poison Jab, Agility, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Sludge Bomb, Double Team, Acrobatics, Toxic Spikes, Pin Missile, Pursuit, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Brutal Swing, Sleep Talk, U-turn, Substitute, Giga Drain, Drill Run, Protect, Roost, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact.

Butterfree: Tackle, String Shot, Bug Bite, Electroweb, Harden, Iron Defense, Confusion, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Psybeam, Silver Wind, Air Slash, Tailwind, Quiver Dance, Psychic, Energy Ball, Acrobatics, Rage Powder , Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Hyper Beam, Double Team, Bug Buzz, Safeguard, Rain Dance, Protect, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Facade, Giga Impact, Dream Eater, Sleep Talk, U-turn, Substitute.

Scyther: Vacuum Wave, leer, quick attack, Agility, Slash, Aerial Ace, Brick Break ,, Double Team, Pursuit, Iron Defense, Razor Wind, Air Slash ,, X-Scissor, U-turn, Night Slash, Swords Dance.

Burmy: Bug Bite, Electroweb, Protect, Tackle.

Nincada: Scratch, Harden, Absorb, Sand Attack, Fury Swipes, Mud-Slap, Mind Reader, Metal Claw, Dig, Shadow Ball, Night Slash.