Beginning of the journey

A few months have passed the league is over and another season is about to start, there is not much to say about those months about my pokemons, the youngest have increased the pool of their movements and continue to advance constantly, the oldest have reached the bottleneck between elite rank and champion rank and there's not much to do, it just gives time, in a year they reached that level that a regular pokemon doesn't reach his whole life, at that moment I ask him to meditate on his primary energies, while I give you many items with a strong source of pure energy of their kind.

I'm doing a last minute check up for my trip, Nurse Joy is still a little cold for me since I created that commotion, she had to heal a lot of pokemon and her boring trainers pissed her off, so I kind of understand, I bribed her with various healing items and several rare fruits, but she is still a little irritated.

I take my pokemons and go straight to the pallet. There's something I want to talk to him about.

1 hour walk and finally I can see the town of Pallet, I have no idea how Ash's father took 4 days to get to Viridian, my best guess is that he is either as stupid as his son or he stayed here to train his pokemons, anyway i get to the professor's lab and there's a big commotion, it seems like i got the day when the professor distributes pokemons to new trainers, i see a red convertible car and some cheerleaders, that means Gary is leaving on his journey, I wait in the crowd and see him and Gary talking, Daisy is here too.

I will approach, when a desperate and pajamas Ash passes me and I stand aside waiting for the story to happen, all events unfold as in the canon and apparently Gary stayed to wait for Ash, before leaving or to laugh at his face for being late or both. Ash went out with a pikachu and I walk away from the crowd, I remember that pikachu shocks them, at that moment the teacher notices me and I wave at him.

when the crowd gets a huge shock, I finally catch sight of Ash's mom and she's really beautiful, to me it looks like Ash is adopted, but I'm not going to express that.

Ash left and the crowd dispersed, I approached the teacher and asked something that puzzled me.

Jim: `` So your grandson has low self-esteem or is he trying to make up for something? ´´

The teacher fell on the floor with sweat running down his head and Daisy and Delia start laughing they thought it was ridiculous, Daisy mostly didn't like her little brother being surrounded by adult cheerleaders.

Daisy still laughing speaks.

`` I'm going to say you asked that. ''

The teacher compose himself and asks.

Professor Oak: ´´´Jim, my boy, did you come to watch the newbies? ``

Jim: ´´No, actually I won the right to go on a journey, I came here to gain more information about something``.

Professor Oak: "What? How? It's well debated whether or not to let 10-year-olds go out on a Journey like you did at 8? As far as I remember your record."

Jim: `` Well, I kind of ended up with any 7 insignia that got into Viridian, there was another petition and I negotiated well, and the league, in the end decided that if someone has the right to go on a journey at 10 as a beginner I can leave at 8 as an elite. ''

Professor Oak `` Have you reached the elite rank? ''

Everyone here has their mouths so open that you can put a Voltorb.

Again the teacher composes himself was a lot of emotions in the last minutes.

Professor Oak: ´´So what do you want to know about? ´´

Jim: ´´Alola forms``.