Year end

Skip Time ~ 3 months

Launching a book was easier than I thought, it happens that being a league champion that defeated the elite four, combining the fact that I asked Professor Oak to review, the result was a huge success, it ended up becoming a Bible for bug type trainers.

Even Trainers who specialize in other types bought the book to be inspired, the book ended up receiving several positive reviews and studies show that because of this book in 5 years 86% of generalists will have at least 1 bug type pokémon in their main teams.

Other important end-of-year events is my return at the Great festival, there was a lot of pressure for me to perform again, mainly by Joy and Daisy, so due to free and spontaneous pressure I had to do it, but it was even easier this time, I I didn't even have to think about it much. Larvesta's golden flames were all I had to show, they are breathtaking.

Then another epic exhibition.

After dazzling the crowd with various attacks and combinations, we ended with Larvesta forming wings with his fire and flying across the stage, He looked like a Mini Volcarona Shiny, he also condensed a fireball just above his head and he looked like an interpretation that the ancients had over their lineage, a deity that had control of the sun.

I left the stage again with a stunned crowd.

And that ends my year.

Now a report on the development of my Pokémon during the year.

Beedrill, After a training session earlier in the year I saw him taking a hyper potion and trying to replicate with his poison

and to my surprise he succeeded, in fact he managed by trial and error to create a poison that increases natural regeneration from there a new window of opportunity arose, poison being used to heal, something that has been used for thousands of years and nobody had ever thought about poison type pokémon, i got an internship with nursing Joy who was ecstatic with this new perspective, it may even revolutionize pokemon medicine.

Since then I use a teleportation machine to send him early in the morning to the Pokémon center and he comes back in the afternoon.

Beedrill has increased a lot in power thanks to this, he has become much more sinister to fight, his poison has several different types of effects now, he also has a lot of knowledge about Pokémon medicine thanks to Nurse Joy.

He can take down any Pokémon on the Champion Level easily thanks to that, if he gets the chance he could even take down a legendary one thanks to his poison and his knowledge of how to use them.

We also thought of a way to use poisons to improve its constitution and after much research we found it possible, but it is necessary to be a poisonous pokémon and it has to create its own poison to improve its body, being that each organ needs a special type of poison that improves its functions without being too much and also needs to balance all the poisons so that they work together as well as their organs.

Even though the time has been short since we started and there is still a lot of potential to be dug up, that was enough to break the bottleneck and Beedrill has already reached the Quasi-Master rank.

Butterfree, although he did not reach the Quasi-Master stage, his progress is not at all inferior to that of Beedrill and it is not far from that level, I researched how he could improve his psychic powers and after seeing a list of movements I discovered a movement which suits him very well, although there is no record that any of his kind has learned, well that never stopped us in any way, 'Miracle eye', this movement perfectly matches his abilities and after spending several months trying to learn we had results, it was ridiculously difficult to learn, not because Butterfree couldn't and yes, because we realized that although Butterfree had gigantic psychic power he didn't have much control over it, but we were not sad and yes, excited at this level it is difficult to find ways to improve and a failure like that that can be corrected by hard work is like a blessing.

Anyway we worked diligently on the 'Miracle eye' to the point where Butterfree was able to use the movement passively.

And his control over psychic energy has greatly improved, he can even talk telepathically with me.

What was something that scared me, after a lot of research on the Psychic Type, I discovered that telepathy is something extremely rare among Pokémon, there is a lineage like Ralts' that can more easily and even among them is something rare.

After thinking about it until it makes sense, telepathy is like sending information directly to someone's brain and also making a link that makes it possible to receive information.

This level of psychic control is ridiculous.

In the anime, only a few Pokémon managed to do this and they were not even Psychic Pokémon that I remember was an incredibly old and powerful Ninetails and also a Lapras that was ancient and powerful, at least three times the size of Ash's Lapras.

Scizor, is not that far behind Butterfree and we spent some time training his 'Technician' ability with her Scizor learns and masters basic techniques very easily, we use this ability to not only basic movements but to improve more advanced movements and use these techniques as if they were simple movements, He can use Hyper Beam and continue fighting as if it were nothing, Well this is just one of the techniques that he improved Bullet Punch looks like Luffy's Gomu Gomu Jet Gatling after Team Skip.

Mothim, he raised his Flying type to another level, now he can use Flying type movements without having to move his wings with air control, of course it's much better if he uses his wings to improve power and his control is also better because it doesn't have to generate the force of the air flow.

He also learned to fuse his Flying type movements with 'Silver Wind' and his power was improved dramatically.

Ninjask, As always Speed ​​and as I said earlier stealth with his 'Infiltrator' ability, this guy really knows how to honor the "ninja" in his name.

Shedinja, It continued what it was doing before, but Professor Oak and I finally managed to decipher this new ability and it is really a new one because it had never been seen before, but it is what is expected of a Pokémon that has a unique Ability, new ability that we decided to call it 'AnotherWorld eye' does what the name says it can connect with another dimension, the effect of the 'Detect' movement that I had noticed before is because the dimensions exist at different times then when the Shedinja at first did not have much control over his new ability, when he connected and came back he could see a few seconds of the future or the past until he came back completely.

Professor Oak was completely ecstatic and after a few seconds he explained to me that ghost type pokémons are usually more powerful when they can connect with these dimensions they are basically filled with ghost type energy. This is one of the reasons why the Gengar lineage is classified among the best of the ghost type, its Mega evolution is practically between two dimensions.

Flygon, there's not much I can do for her right now, she hasn't reached a bottleneck yet, her bug / dragon lineage is very powerful, all I do is feed her very well and make him battle constantly with my Pokémon or with those of MT Silver and it has grown by leaps and bounds.

Eevee, finally managed to evolve into my happiness and that of Professor Oak. Now he goes by the name "Anteon", He looked amazing, lost his hair and took on a black hue with crimson eyes, his ears turned into ant antennae, two pairs of insect wings grew on the back, they are like fairy wings and their tail split in two with stinging ends.

He evolved when he learned 'Quiver dance', although I think happiness was an important factor since he was really happy to have been able to learn this movement while practicing for 1 month. He reached the Quasi-Champion Rank by evolving what is not a lot of surprise because he was already an Elite rank pokémon.

Larvesta, oddly enough, seems to have reached the prerequisites to evolve that was a shock to me and Professor Oak almost passed out, the process of evolution of a Larvesta is one of the slowest of all pokémons in irony is almost certain that they will evolve naturally, but they took decades in their natural habitats that are usually surrounded with fire-type energy, like a volcano, this lineage has a big longevity and they just hope that this moment of their evolution arrives because their constitutions in infantile forms are one of the worst that exists a little in front of magikarps because they can use more movements.

The professor was surprised when I managed to turn a Larvesta into an elite rank.

But to raise a Larvesta until it reaches a point that can evolve in 1 year is absurd.

I quickly made Larvesta suppress evolution very early and it only reached the prerequisites, I always evolve my Pokémon when they squeezed every drop of their potential and I will continue like this.