I had to stay in Rustboro, Roxanne asked me to give a lecture on my book to her students I wanted to reject, but Professor Oak asked me to do it since the school is sponsored by Devon Corporation and she also sponsors some Professor research .
I went to the school and was directed to a gigantic auditorium that was completely full.
Me: "Roxanne, didn't you say it was for your students? I didn't think there would be teenagers and adults here."
Roxanne: "Hm, this is also a college and some people knew that you were going to speak, they came running, even from other cities we couldn't reject it, it's not a problem, is it?".
Me: "Actually it is, I thought I would have to speak to an audience from 7 to 9 years old, what I prepared was really simplified."
Roxanne went pale.
Roxanne: "I'm sorry, I didn't think there would be a problem, I didn't think that way."
Me: "Okay, you don't have to panic if it were another matter, it would be a big problem, but if it is to talk about my book and bug types I can talk easily".
Roxanne visibly recovers.
The lecture takes place unexpectedly well, I didn't think I would like to do that, but there is a certain satisfaction in realizing that the audience is focused on what I'm talking about instead of being dispersed, I talked about the important parts of my book and explained some points with other examples that I had thought of when I wrote the book and didn't add it because I thought it was going to get too big.
Me: "I would like to open a space for questions from the audience if you have a question or a doubt about what I said, just raise your hand and I will answer 1 by 1".
3rd row guy: "Mr.Cricket, What is the reason for your Pokémon mutation".
Me: "This is an excellent question, there is no single reason, but if I have to choose I would say that it is due to the main characteristic of bug types".
Roxanne: "Type characteristics?"
Me: "Yes, this is the reason why specialists in a type are usually stronger than generalists, even if that person does not know what the main characteristic of their types is, after working with a type of pokemon you will end up whether or not they want to learn how to use this type of pokémon, whether in battles or in training, even unconsciously, and in the case of bug types, their "adaptability" is the main characteristic, they are very good at adapting in different situations and environments, that's why practically no pure bug type Pokémon exist and the ones that exist gain a secondary type when they evolve, even the Pinsir lineage gains the Flying type when mega evolved. ('Contrary to what I thought Mega Evolution is already known by several people from all regions, but it's like the Z-moves didn't spread very much mainly due to the lack of information on how to do this and the materials are extremely rare too ").
But getting back to the point, my pokémons receive adequate nutrition, specialized training for each one of them and when they go beyond their limits, their bug-like adaptability awakens something from their lineage that allows them to go further, bug pokemons generally have a rigid hierarchy, so they awaken some royal gene that allows it to be above others of its kind whether in strength or status ".
Everyone: "Ohhhhhh".
Other questions were asked and concluded.
The nice part was that after the lecture, Roxanne and I got into a big debate about rock type pokémons that she could get to improve her Team, since we talked about Probopass, she has been getting great results from her training that encouraged her to try become an elite four or even a champion one day, then we discussed several rock-type pokémons until we reached 'Lycanroc' and I remembered Ash's that was special because Ash found a new path for evolution, although the anime didn't given importance to that 'Lycanroc Dusk form' It is special because it evolved at sunset something that had never been registered, Here comes my mind that in Hoenn there is a pokémon that also evolved into different forms at different stages of the day and it is a bug type, so I said goodbye to Roxanne and went to the Petalburg forest.
As is usual, I will look for a powerful Pokémon to have an egg, I could just get one of the thousands of wurmples out there, but honestly all my Pokémon I got from an egg and I like to create a Pokémon from scratch, literally .
Luckily I have explored this entire forest and I know of a Beautifly rank elite.
It took me a day to track her and a day for her to have an egg, this time I chose Butterfree since they are a similar species.
Time Skip.
Surprisingly it took 15 days for the Wurmple to be born, these bug bug species hatch very quickly.
Another 15 days have passed and similar to Beedrill and Butterfree, it is already prepared to evolve, it is at least 3x the normal size, so let's go to the beach and wait for the sunset. I asked Butterfree to tell me the perfect time to evolve since it has the best sense for different types of energies.
I give him my permission and obediently starts to evolve, after a few seconds of tension the 1 month's work is finally paying off.
The white light has faded and a pokémon cocoon appears similar to the cascoon and silcoon only in a very light orange tone, and this is a confirmation that it was an absolute success.
A cry of joy comes from me and my Pokémon.
Time Skip.
Another 18 days went by and I couldn't miss the opportunity to train a Pokémon with the "Shed Skin" ability, once again the forge comes into action and I couldn't be more satisfied with the result, but I honestly had to restrain myself so as not to make him evolve without having reached the limit he can go, it is a doubt that has been tormenting me, I have no idea what is coming, will it be a hybrid between butterfly and moth? I have no idea how it will be.
Me and my pokémons are all here to watch the evolution this time, there is no need for a specific time so I tell him to evolve when he feels that, and he evolves when I finish speaking.
A blinding glow fills the clearing and the jaws of everyone here reach the floor.
"TIIIIIIIIGONNNNNNN": The Pokémon roars.
It is magnificent, it has the normal Flygon body shape and size, except that the wings are butterfly-shaped and have a striped pattern like a tiger.
Its body is black like Beautifly's, with some purple details like Dustox's body and at the tip of its long tail it has a small pair of wings like Dustox's but it also has the same brindle appearance as its back wings, others Notable features are its claws that also look like tiger's and its blue eyes like Beautifly's.
I asked Professor Oak to analyze him, of course it was after he managed to regain his composure and we got confirmation from his types that he is a bug / dragon, I could lie saying that I was surprised, but when I saw my Flygon's reaction I was already suspected.
What makes me curious is the way he got to the dragon type.
Because this is what makes me confused, I can understand perfectly why Beautifly and Dustox have the Flying and poison types.
They are the most stable types that the bug type can combine, which is why most bug pokemons gain the secondary poison or flying.
Then Beautifly awakens the Flying type in the sunlight and Dustox type poison in the moonlight.
And if the sunset would be an intersection between these energies, should it be a mixture of these types? But the mixture of poison and flying, which type is closer?
Honestly, I have no idea, the dragon type is as close as any other.
After 2 days and thinking madly about it, I finally came to a conclusion, I spent most of the time trying to find a logical answer, but then I remembered that some pokemons are given types based on legends and things like that and after watching the 'Tigon' (Tiger + dragon, yes, that's his name) I noticed that he had many characteristics of tigers and I remembered that the butterfly that Beautifly was based on had the name of tiger something, so I came to mind that in oriental culture, tigers and dragons are opposite beings, just like the sun and the moon, so my pokémon gained the characteristics of a tiger with the power of a dragon, I liked it even poetic.