Alea was dumbfounded in front of her, Karin's words were like lightning in broad daylight. Alea couldn't believe everything she heard.

"If Karin loves Aska, then what about Edo? What happens if Edo finds out that Karin's love has turned to another man? How should I explain it to Edo?" Alea's chest feels tight, her heart is very sad about what happened to her sister.

It was only for a while to be happy to hear that his brother had made a lot of progress, now he must be sad again.

"Karin you have to be able to explain all this." said Alea to herself.

Aska stood there still holding on to Mr. Damar's shoulder. His breath, which had been wheezing because of his anger and disappointment, was now more regular, even though his body was no longer strong enough to stand up.

However, Aska tried hard to survive, especially with what he had just heard. Really made him have the spirit to survive again.

Aska looked into Karin's eyes, which looked at him deeply.

"Is what I hear true? You're not lying to me, are you?" asked Aska softly, with her red, teary eyes.

Karin nodded repeatedly with tears flowing.

"Finally Aska's anger subsided, an anger that could have almost cost him his life." Karin's heart breathed a sigh of relief, very relieved

"That's right Ka, what you heard is true." Karin replied with a smile.

"Tell me again Rin? If you love me." Asked Aska with her eyes starting to fade and her body starting to relax, Aska's hand firmly holding Mr. Damar's shoulder.

"I love you Aska, I love you." Karin repeated, fulfilling Aska's request gently.

Aska's left hand reached out and touched Karin's lips trembling.

"I'm very happy, Karin." Aska's voice began to choke softly. Aska's two legs were unable to hold her body any longer, her eyes burned even more, unable to see Karin's face again, her handrails began to loosen ... And ...


Aska's body fell lying in front of Karin.

"Aska !!." shouted Karin in panic.

"Mr Damar, please lift Aska, we have to go to the hospital mr." Karin continued opening the door to the Cafe. Mr Damar, who was conscious, immediately lifted Aska's body and ran to take him to the car.

Karin turned towards Alea who was still silent and transfixed with a complicated face, it was difficult for Karin to guess.

"Angry and disappointed Alea?"

"Alea, I will explain to you later. Now I ask you a favor, go to Edo now. He must be waiting for me, please explain to him, if today I can not accompany him. I promise I will explain to you and Edo later. I beg! " begging Karin to Alea with tears in her eyes.

Alea's tears flowed, trying to understand what Karin was saying.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely take good care of Edo, but Rin ... you have to be able to explain everything to me? Don't destroy my trust in you Rin." Said Alea looking at Karin sadly. Karin hugged Alea tightly.

"I'll explain everything to you soon, I promise." Karin said, then got out and got into the car immediately.

"Sorry mr Damar, it's a little late. I talked to Alea earlier." said Karin feeling guilty.

"It's okay, miss, where do we go to the hospital, miss?" asked mr Damar.

"To your Majesty's hospital mr, we just go straight now mr, I'll tell you again mr." Karin said a little confused, she only knew the hospital, because the hospital was opposite the mental hospital where Edo lived.

With Karin's instructions, Mr. Damar rushed his car to the Mother Majesty hospital, Karin called Doctor Heru and told him what had happened.

Doctor Heru helped him by recommending a friend who worked at Mother Majesty "Dokter Irwan".

Karin was asked to find a doctor, Irwan, who had been contacted by Doctor Heru.

With swiftness, Mr. Damar lifted Aska's body and ran to the emergency room.

Doctor Irwan was waiting there with several nurses. Aska was laid on the emergency bed.

Doctor Irwan and other nurses deftly handled Aska quickly. Doctor Irwan repeatedly sighed heavily.

Aska's immune system had decreased drastically in the past three days. Doctor Irwan has received a fax from doctor Heru about the history of Aska's disease.

With the aid of a breathing device and an infusion tube for food intake, Aska's body was moved to a special sterile room for leukemia sufferers.

Doctor Irwan, approached Karin asking to follow her to her room.

"Your name is Karin, right?" Doctor Heru has told you everything, I will explain Aska's latest condition, "said Doctor Irwan with a worried look.

"From some of Doctor Heru's notes, Aska's condition is stable, there is little progress, but looking at the current condition, the possibility of Aska's life will not be long, if she does not quickly perform bone marrow transplantation. While Aska's heart is still functioning well, her kidneys are slightly swollen, and we must heal it quickly. " explained Doctor Irwan.

"How do we get bone marrow donors fast doc?" Karin asked, a little desperate, because her friend who was a doctor at a Singapore hospital had not given her any news.

"The problem here is not the absence of donors, the problem is the suitability of the bone marrow. Because everyone is usually different, rarely matches, if it's not a coincidence." Doctor Irwan explained again to Karin.

"Doc, can you help Aska to immediately find a suitable donor?"

"I will study the bone marrow that Aska needs, only then will I send the data to all hospitals, maybe there is a suitable bone marrow."

"Thanks doc, can I see Aska now?"

"Please, it's possible Aska will wake up in two to three hours."

"Yes Doc, thanks again doc." Karin shook hands with Doctor Irwan, and rushed to Aska's still lying room.

Karin saw Mr Damar calling someone and talking with a very serious face. Karin approached Mr. Damar after knowing he finished calling.

"Mr Damar who was talking to?"

"Miss Big Mistress, Mrs. Big is calling, asking about Sir Aska." Mr Damar told all the events after Karin's departure from the house.

Karin closed her mouth, with tears in her eyes, she did not expect that Aska's life would be messed up after her departure. And because of the loss of her immune system, Aska experienced a very drastic decline because she did not follow a good diet.

"Mr Damar, when was Aska's mother here?" asked Karin a little embarrassed when she met Amirah.

"Miss will arrive tomorrow afternoon?"

"Mr Dammar, can I ask you to look after Aska for a while? Maybe Aska will be conscious in two or three hours. I want to leave for a while, mr."

"Yes, miss, do I need to take you?"

"No mr, mr Damar just take care of Aska. When Aska realizes, call me, mr."

"Yes miss."

Karin went into Aska's room, looked sadly at Aska, caressed Aska's fine hair.

"I'll go for a while, I'll be back as soon as possible." he kissed Aska's forehead with a very guilty heart.

"I have to go to Edo while I have two hours, I have to make sure of him."

Karin walked out of the hospital, across the sidewalk and across the street. Karin walked a little fast because she was pressed for time, she didn't want it when Aska realized she wasn't there.

Arriving in front of Edo's room, Karin knocked loudly on the door, Alea opened the door and closed it before Karin entered. Akea's eyes looked red and puffy.

"How is Edo?" asked Karin

"Edo doesn't want to eat, he's been waiting for you, and only your name continues to be called." Alea's story without Karin asking for it.

"What about your lover?" asked Alea coldly.

"Still unconscious, maybe in two hours I will wake up, so I came straight here." Karin explained.

"You're confused too, if you have two lovers." said Alea a little cynically

"What do you mean Alea?" asked Karin, a little disappointed by Alea's words.

"I'm sorry Rin, I don't mean to offend you, I'm sorry to be like this, I can't accept if you leave Edo because of another man. You know Rin, Edo has always been loyal to you, until he was like this, because he really loved you. Edo never broke up with you, never left you. " said Alea pressing Karin's heart with guilt.

"I already apologized to you right Alea? And I also promised to heal Edo, is that still not enough?" hoarse Karin's voice holding back tears.

"Karin, answer honestly! Is it true that you love Aska? And don't love my sister anymore?"

Karin froze, felt her chest. Staring at Akea with teary eyes.

"If I could know my feelings and could be sure of my heart Alea, I will tell you Alea. Unfortunately, even today I don't know, I've been hurt for too long and I don't know what it feels like to love." Karin cried, hugging Alea, "You don't know Alea how I lived my life for two years without heart and love, after meeting Aska, I can open up and be friends with her, she is seriously ill Alea, her life will not be long." groaned Karin's voice.

"Do you love Karin?" Alea's gaze was right in Karin's bead.