"Mom ... for Father's sake, how about we live together in Indonesia. I want Daddy and Momy to rest at home. It's time for Mom and Dad to enjoy old age with a grandchild who is about to be born." said Aska hopefully.

"But honey, what about your Daddy's company over here? and again Daddy you are still a resident here?" said Amirah with a happy heart because her son was very caring.

"Come on Mom, I'll handle Daddy's company later." answered Aska seriously.

"No,..!! Karin replied quickly.

"No Ka, you can ask for help from relatives or anyone but not you, you still have to take care of your health." Karin said irritably.

"What your wife said is true Aska, you are still sick and have to take good care of your health." said Amirah defending Karin.

"I've decided that Dad and Mom should rest at home, so I'll ask Uncle Sam to help run Dad's company here.." said Aska, hugging his wife's shoulder so he wouldn't be annoyed anymore.