"Okay Ka, that's an easy matter later, now what are we going to discuss, to call them all?" asked Nathan curiously.

"I want to discuss Rocky's problem, please you can prepare all Rocky's data and how the situation and condition of the company, especially our company now." said Aska, looking at his watch.

"Fifteen minutes is enough, Nat?" asked Aska giving Nathan time to submit Rocky's data in fifteen minutes.

"I'll try Ka." Nathan replied and then went quickly to his room.

After Nathan left his office, Aska saw Ayumi entering his room.

"Excuse me sir, for the meeting later should I also be asked to participate ?" Ayumi said with a sweet smile.

"For this meeting you don't need to come, oh yeah ... and one more thing starting today your desk is not here anymore, where can you ask Nathan." said Aska firmly but casually.