"So when will your parents come Nat?" asked Alea sitting next to Nathan who was focusing on his latest report to be reported to Aska after work.

"Maybe tomorrow afternoon Alea? Why? You already told your parents that I was going to propose to you?" asked Nathan, staring at Alea for a while then moving on to his job again.

"Yes, tomorrow morning they will arrive..what's better just on holidays you and your parents come to Nat's house, Saturday or Sunday." said Alea looking for a day that would not interfere with Nathan's work and herself.

"What do you think is fine Alea, so what day should I go to your house? Saturday or Sunday?" asked Nathan to stop his work rather than Alea angrily because it was offended to not pay attention to her when talking seriously.

"How about Saturday afternoon?" asked Alea again, supporting her chin.

"Okay Saturday afternoon, right?" said Nathan pinching Alea's nose anxiously.

Alea smiled and looked at Nathan deeply.