"Think about it now, Bram, I will tell Edo to immediately follow there." Ratu said while sending a message to Edo who was looking for food.

"Help me Ratu, my body still feels weak because of the medicine I just took." said Bramanto who almost lost control because of the pain and sadness.

With great care, Ratu helped Bramanto by supporting him and walked slowly to the second floor where Broto Sudarjo's room was located.

Arriving in front of Broto Sudarjo's room, Ratu knocked softly on the door several times.

Not waiting too long, an old woman's face appeared behind the door.

"Are you Anteng? I am Ratu or Kirana, the daughter of Mr. Broto Sudarjo who lives in this house." said Ratu very politely.

"Are you Kirana? Come in." Anteng said while holding Ratu's hand.

"Bram, come on can rest in my room if you want." said Ratu who could not bear to see Bramanto's situation again because of the fight earlier.