"I'll take it no Rin, I've given my life for you and for Aska. Do what you want, I believe in you two." said Edo with a smile even though his heart felt heavy to live it.

"I'm doing all this for you Do, want to see you happy." said Karin with a look full of affection.

"Yes ... take it easy Rin, I will never be mad at you." ucap Edo dengan tersenyum.

"Come on, let's go out, Fatin comes out first. Maybe he still needs to talk to Lisa. I saw him go out with Lisa." said Edo standing outside the car waiting for Karin, who had a little trouble with her big stomach.

Edo walked beside Karin who was staring at the big mall in front of her.

"Alea, you said we went to the cafe? but this really is at the Mall?" asked Karin who must be a little tired walking in the Mall.

"Yes Rin, my friend's cafe is in this Mall." replied Alea with her hand held by Nathan.

"Oh ... I thought a stand-alone cafe." said Karin a little hard to enter the Mall.