Aska just arrived in Indonesia at four in the morning and took his parents to the main house. From the plan to go home at night, it turned out that Aska could not do it because she had to wait for her Daddy's permission to return from the hospital.

Feeling anxious, Aska entered the house to immediately meet Karin, who had returned from the hospital.

He saw Edo, Fatin and Lisa sitting on the sofa in Karin's room.

"Edo." called Aska when he saw Edo, who was still awake, waiting for Karin, who was sleeping soundly.

"Hey Ka, have you come? how is Daddy? is all right?" asked Edo when he got a message from Aska that he couldn't go home because he was taking care of his daddy, who was still unable to get out of the hospital.

"Already better, and now in the big house. How about Karin? from yesterday I was anxious thinking about it." Said Aska approaching Karin and sitting on the edge of the bed holding Karin's hand.