Ash vs Paul part 1

The sun was shining beneath a battle field, as two rivals eyed each other. The first one was a compassionate trainer, who cares for his Pokémons and treats them like family, and the other one was a trainer with a cold and dark heart, who only captures strong and ruthless Pokémon and disregard any one who he deems weak. The later having an advantage in this battle.

"Monferno, is no longer able to battle, this round goes to Paul and his Electabuzz." The referee declared.

Ash took a Poke-ball from his pocket and hurriedly recalls his newly evolved Monferno. 'You did a good job and congrats on evolving." Ash said compassionately.

"This is not going well for Ash." Dawn concluded worriedly. Ash had only one Pokémon left and that was his Pikachu while Paul had four more Pokémon, only losing his Weavile and his Honchkrow.

"Yeah, this is the first time I have ever seen Ash lose like this." Brock said in concerned.

"But you guys got to give it to my brother, his strategy is top notch." Reggie said, proud of his brother's performance in this battle.

"Yeah, I give him that." Dawn shrieked sarcastically.

"Dawn, enough Reggie is right. Paul is exceptional today." Brock said although begrudgingly.

"So this is all you got to give Ash, so much for caring for your Pokémon, huh Ash." Paul mocked, while grinning like a psychopath.

"Shut it Paul and it's not over yet." Ash said while gritting his teeth in frustration.

"You are so optimistic, Ash. Look at you, you only have that rodent left and I have four more Pokémons that could tear that rodent apart. The only problem that I have is to choose who among my remaining Pokémons will destroy that rat." Paul said confidently.

"(Hey Ash, could we use the Dark Spark now. I so want to hurt him)." Pikachu growled.

"As much as I want to Pikachu, I can't. I want to beat Paul as much as you but his Pokémons don't deserve that much punishment." Ash said shivering in the thought of Paul's Pokémon suffering from powerful black and uncontrolled streak of lightning.

"(Your too soft Ash but I can't activate that power without your command so please reconsider)." Pikachu said jumping towards the field.

"So you want this battle to end quickly huh, fine. Electabuzz, use Brick Break." Electabuzz charged towards Pikachu, his hand letting out sparks of electricity. He then brought that his hand in a form of a Karate Chop towards Pikachu

"Pikachu, counter with Iron Tail." Pikachu's tail glowed white and swung it towards Electabuzz hand. Cloud of dust flown in the air as both attack fight for dominance.

(Scene Change)

Behind a bush three idiots (it a little harsh but true) were watching the battle with interest.

"Hey Jess, it seem that the twerp is losing." James mused.

"Yeah James, this is the first time that I saw the twerp get his ass handed to him like this." Jessie commented.

"Who cares if the twerp loses? After this battle his Pikachu would be weaken and we could swipe it easily." Meowth said evilly as he laughed. Jessie and James seemed to agree because they began laughing stupidly. (Man this three needs a hobby or better yet a life)