Battle Ends...

Ash's eyes were hidden from view as the attack neared him. When the attack was merely an inch from him, Ash tilted his head as the attack pass him leaving him relatively undamaged.

"Paul, Paul, Paul, I intended to play against you, to tire out Torterra so I couldn't hurt your Torterra to much but I change my mind." Ash said as he looked at Paul with eyes filled with anger and loathing. "Now, I am going to destroy your Torterra." Ash shouted with anger.

"Pikachu, Storm Revolver." Pikachu did multiple summersaults in the air and as he do those summersault a thick layer of electricity rapidly spun around his body. Pikachu then slammed his tail to the ground sending a blast of highly concentrated and extremely intense lightning which carved a path from the ground as it makes its way towards Torterra with remarkable speed.

Torterra, having use Hyper Beam, was still recharging and could not move as the attack hit Torterra directly. The attack did not engulf Torterra like an ordinary electric attack but instead it pushed Torterra backward, crushing the ground and Torterra as the attack carves the ground and continues its way forward. After a couple of seconds when it hit Torterra, the attack suddenly change direction and shot upwards, propelling Torterra up to the sky. The electric attack then vanished leaving Torterra falling from the sky.

"Pikachu, end this with Voltage Dragon." A thick orb of electricity surrounded Pikachu as he began rolling rapidly towards were Torterra was suppose to fall. Suddenly a realistic dragon, that is three times the size of Torterra and made out of pure and highly condensed electricity suddenly shot out of the orb towards the falling Torterra. The dragon of lightning then hit the expose Torterra directly on its back, right on its weak spot. Torterra screamed in pain as a layer of electricity engulf his entire body, electrocuting it within every inch of its body. Torterra then crash to the ground with such force that it created a cloud of smoke.

Paul and the spectators didn't moved nor speak. It was clear as day, this battle is over.

After a moment, a breeze of wind flew pass by blowing away the cloud of smoke, revealing the two combatants. Torterra was lying on his back, covered with multiple scorched mark, his eyes were shut and he was unmoving, Pikachu on the other hand was standing on top of the fallen Torterra with a giant smile on his face.

"Hey ref this battle is over so would you be so kind and announce my victory." Ash said as he gazed towards the referee.

The referee seems to snap out of his shock and raise his hand on Ash's direction. "Torterra is unable to battle, this round and the match goes to..." The referee wasn't able to finish when Paul suddenly screamed.

"WAIT, THIS BATTLE IS NOT OVER." Paul shouted which caught the attention of everyone. "Torterra you worthless trash, stand up now." Paul growled as he looked upon the unconscious and injured frame of his starter Pokémon.

"Ref, announce my victory." Ash said stoically. Paul glared at him when he heard that.

"Aren't you listening to me? This battle is not over." Paul said as he run off towards his Torterra. Pikachu jumped off Torterra when Paul reached his unconscious Pokémon. Paul then momentarily looked at his most powerful Pokémon before he began kicking his unconscious Pokémon relentlessly.

"Stand up you worthless piece of trash. I said stand up, this battle is not over so you better stand up." Paul shouted more insulting words as he continue to kick his unconscious Torterra.

Reggie stood up together with Brock and Dawn and was headed towards Paul. Reggie, Brock, and Dawn were disgusted of Paul treatment of his Pokémon before but this was an all time low even for him. They intend to stop Paul for further abusing his Torterra but were stop when Ash suddenly appeared besides Paul. Ash was holding Paul's shoulder, forcing Paul to stop kicking his Torterra.

Paul threw Ash a glare which Ash retaliates by throwing a punch right on Paul's cheeks sending Paul stumbling to the ground. Ash's friend and Reggie were shocked about Ash hitting Paul, especially Dawn and Reggie, both of which have never saw Ash hit someone before.

Paul glare at Ash and was about to charge at him, when Ash shoe's was suddenly implanted on his face followed by another kick on the gut. Paul spat out some saliva as he doubled up in pain. Paul was suddenly force back to his feet and was hit by an uppercut on the chin. Ash then began punching and beating Paul like a rag doll.

Ash's friends and Reggie hurriedly ran towards Ash, not even Paul deserved this beating. Reggie caught Ash's hand and tried to restrain Ash, with much difficulty. Who could have thought some like Ash could have this much strength. Brock on the other hand was tending to Paul, who was covered with bruises, had a black eye in his right eye, and bloody lip.

"You worthless son of a bitch. You're Pokémon gave it all for you; Torterra had injured three of Pikachu's strongest attack and only sustain minimum damage. He had fought for you with everything he has and that's the way you repay his hard work, do you even have heart Paul." Ash shouted angrily as he literally threw Reggie over his head and dropped him flat on his back in order for him to get out of Reggie's grip.

Paul spat out some blood and sneered at Ash. "I don't need anyone sympathizing my Pokémons especially you. My Pokémons are my tools, are my weapons and I will decide how I use them." Paul shouted angrily as he once again charged at Ash and threw a punch towards Ash.

Ash didn't even bother to move as he caught Paul's punch effortlessly and threw him to the nearest tree. He then attempted to kick Paul's head off and because of his anger he unknowingly charges his kick with a minimum amount of aura. The aura that was on Ash's kick would not kill Paul (damn ) but it was enough to put Paul into a coma for a very long time (that's good news). Ash would have kick Paul's head off but he halted with Torterra suddenly crawled towards Paul, attempting to block Ash's attack. Ash gaze upon the injured Pokémon for a bit sending, telepathic message towards Torterra with his aura.

'Why do you protect this trash?' Ash growled in his mind.

'Please don't hurt my master, your majesty.' Torterra beg weakly through the telepathic link.

Ash gaze upon Torterra a while longer before turning his back on the fallen Pokémon and began walking away. 'Fine but if he abandons you, I will kill him.' Ash said through the telepathic link.

'Thank you for your mercy, your highness.' Torterra said through the telepathic link before fainting once again.

"You should be thankful for your Torterra because he saved your ass, Paul. If not for your Torterra, I would beat you down within an inch of your life" Ash stated as he walked towards Reggie, who was still flat on his back. Ash then proceeded to helped Reggie to his feet. Reggie then ran towards Paul, tending to his brothers injuries.

"Thankful, are you telling me to be thankful to this loser." Paul growled weakly, he was feeling pain both physically and emotionally.

"Yes, you should be thankful you pathetic man. You're Torterra and the rest of your Pokémon endured your harsh way, they didn't raise a fist nor object to your cruel training. They suffered but they remain loyal to you and you didn't even give a simple thank you." Ash said as he glared towards Paul, sending Paul a vibe of killing intent.

"You don't deserve such loyal comrades. You take them for granted yet they still follow you, a person like you don't deserve that." Ash said harshly as he walked away, leaving a dishearten Paul.

Brock and Dawn followed Ash while Reggie tends to his fallen brother.