
Ash groaned as he frustratingly threw an Aura Sphere to the nearest boulder, shattering it to a million pieces. It has been five days since Elena left and it only added to his anger and sadness. He was pissed because of one reason and that reason was because he had encounter Team Galactic once again and this time, it was in the holy land, Mount Coronet.

'Why are does idiots planning something so stupid and so dangerous, that it might cause a catastrophic phenomenon?' Ash thought in anger as he threw another Aura Sphere towards a tree, reducing it into splinters. 'Do those morons from Team Galactic knows or have even have an idea of what kind of disaster there going to create if there plan actually worked.' Ash shiver at that thought as he threw a punch in the air, shooting a massive blast of aura towards the sky.

"Damn it, why me, why does it always have to be me?" Ash asked out loud in frustration as he slammed his fist to the ground, creating a five foot crater beneath his fist. "Why do I always have to be the one to fight those bloody organizations and not those bloody authorities?" Ash stood up and sigh in frustration as he survey the area where he was training.

The entire area, the entire field was completely leveled. The trees surrounding the field were all reduce to splinters and the boulders that were scattered in the field were now nothing but rubble. The land itself looked like a barren waste land that had been through countless wars.

"(Somebody's pissed off)." Ash heard a familiar voice said behind him. Ash glanced at his back to see his Pikachu looking at him with an irate expression. Ash sighed before laying down on the destroyed land.

"Yes I'm pissed off, if you could still remember, we once again cross path with Team Galactic but only this time, it was in one of the holy land." Ash said looked at his 'brother' and partner.

"(It happened yesterday and if I can still recall, they didn't damage the ruins there, so no harm done)." Pikachu said in a comforting manner.

"That's not the point Pikachu, it's very fortunate that none of them could use Aura or else they would have easily found the Spear Pillar located there. I also screw up and didn't recover the Spear Key." Ash scoffed in disappointment.

"(Those idiots don't know how to use that key properly so you should at least relax for a while)." Pikachu reminded as he lay on his chest.

"Yeah, you might be right but still." Ash grunted at the numerous scenarios he played in his minds, most of them not good. "I shouldn't be thinking too hard." Ash said as he stood up and head towards his backpack.

"(Are we going back already)?" Pikachu asked as he jumped to Ash's shoulder.

"Not in the very least. Professor Oak and the others are not their yet so it would be pointless for us if we got there to early, I especially don't like being in constant surveillance by Dawn's mother. It's like that woman in determining if I'll be a good son-in-law." Ash once again shudders at that thought. "I don't even like Dawn in that matter, what is she, five, four years younger than me." Ash added.

"(You might not like her that way but she does)." Pikachu said in a low whisper, unfortunately Ash heard that, barely heard that.

"You say something Pikachu?" Ash asked with a certain edge in his voice.

"(I said aren't you excited to see our friends again, after such a long time)." Pikachu said frantically in his best lying voice. Luckily for Pikachu, Ash bought it.

"I'm excited to see them again but I do wish that they won't start travelling with us again." Ash said as he opened his backpack and began searching for something.

"(Why not? There our friends, why wouldn't you want to travel with them again)?" Pikachu asked in a curious manner.

"Easy, with so many people travelling with us, it would be harder for me to meet up with Elena, and that will not do." Ash said as he frantically empties his backpack. 'Please tell me I didn't leave that phone at Dawn's house. If she calls and somebody answers it, I would have a lot of things to explain.' Ash thought as he pale at the thought.

Pikachu seeing his 'brothers' face, instantly knew what the problem is and decided to help. Pikachu's body suddenly glow bright yellow and his eyes glowed golden. He then lifted one of his paws and instantly, a black phone rose in one of Ash's hidden compartments, which was covered by a yellow aura. Ash was not surprised after seeing what Pikachu did and just grabs the phone hastily."Thanks Pikachu and I see you're actually getting good in that magnetic manipulations with been working on." Ash commented as he dialed the number of his lover.

"(Arceus, why do I have a love sick trainer)?" Pikachu asked dejectively as he jumped from Ash's shoulder to the ground and run off towards the nearest place where there was a large steel or metal deposit, he has a magnetic and lightning ability to master while his partner and 'brother' have some romance with his future wife.

(Scene Change)

Two people clash their respective Sabre as they clash with speed that could be described as inhuman. The two of them were wearing protective clothes that were appropriate for the fight, for fencing. The first was the tallest among the two and was wearing red clothing and was clearly a male, the other one was the smallest among the two and was wearing black clothing and was clearly female, evident to the large chest area. The two of them clash their thin blades like two warriors with spectacular skill and amazing speed but it was clear that the female was more skillful than the male as she quickly outmaneuver and overwhelm her opponent by a series of thrust.

The female then sidestep a thrust towards her and then hit her opponents right hand with the back of her blade, disarming her opponent, she then trip her opponent, causing the male to fall down, flat on his back. When the male look at his opponent, he saw the tip of his opponent blades pointed of his neck.

The man chuckled a bit before removing his helmet, revealing his face. "You really are a remarkable fighter, Elena." The man said with a smile.

"Thanks father." Elena said as she removed her helmet, revealing her beautiful face. Elena then helped her father up to his feet.

Elena's father, Henry was a person in his mid 30's. He has silver hair, similar to his oldest daughter, Hunter J, and has similar crimson eyes with Sarah, his second daughter. He has well build body and mustache on her face. He has all of the defining traits of his two eldest daughters; he has the same childishness and IQ similar to Sarah and the same ruthlessness and cruelness in battle similar to Jane (Hunter J). The only thing he has in common with Elena was being a workaholic.

"You gotten slow, father." Elena commented as she threw a bottle of water towards Henry.

"I'm getting old, Elena, it very common for old people to get slow." Henry replied as he drank the bottle of water. "That and you are a real prodigy at fencing." Henry quickly added as he threw the bottle of water towards the trash bin.

"Thanks, father, but I think the compliment should go to you, you are the one who thought me how to fence." Elena said as she place her sabre to its sheath and place the sheath to her side.

"I figure this is where I'll find the two of you." A woman said as she entered their personal gym. Elena and her father looked at the woman and smile after having a glance with the said woman.

"Good morning, Natasha." Elena and her father greeted in unison.

"Good morning, Henry, Elena, I hope I'm not disturbing anything." Natasha said as she smiled at the two.

Natasha was a middle age woman but it could not be determine by first glance because of her sexy figure and her beautiful and youthful face. She was a very fine woman, with her long brown hair that was tied in a ponytail, her sparkling hazel eyes, and her sexy body; she seems to be a woman who was only in her early 20's. She was also a tender woman but has a very terrifying and fierce temper.

"You're not disturbing anything, Tasha." Henry said with a smile at his childhood friend. Natasha nodded before handing over a folder to him.

"We have a job offer but it's a bit skeptical." Natasha said as she looked at her friend, whom was reading the folder.

"There offering us a lot of money to study some ruins that are scattered all over Sinnoh." Henry said as he analyzed the job offer.

"We have a couple of expedition in Sinnoh before but there are some ruins that they mention in that folder that we hadn't yet explore, we might discover some interesting things." Natasha commented as she pointed-out the mentioned ruins. Henry and Elena looked at them with interest.

"They want us to study the ruins in Mount Coronet, so they want us to find the Spear Pillar." Elena said out of nowhere, which cause the two adults to looked at her questioningly.

"We've been searching for the Spear Pillar for years, dear, how could you say it's in Mount Coronet." Henry asked in a curious manner.

"Henry and I have searched there before but we didn't find anything. So what's your basis in saying that" Natasha added.

Elena looked at them and smiled. "Maybe you guys didn't look hard enough or you guys fail to see something that is in front of you." Elena said in a sage like manner.

"A friend of mine said that his been in the Spear Pillar before and showed me proof that it is really located in Mount Coronet." Elena reasoned.

"And who is this friend that showed you proof." Henry inquired with curiosity in his voice.

Elena looked at her father before saying with a mischievous expression. "S-E-C-R-E-T."

Henry grunted at her daughters answer and Natasha laughed at her friends reaction but quickly recover her composure. "You do know Elena that we can have the team to go to Mount Coronet in a wild goose chase because of some proof that your friend showed you, we need to make sure that the basis is accurate before we make a move." Natasha exclaimed.

"I know, if you guys want your proof, then I'll show you my proof later, but first I need to shower, I stink." Elena said as she walked away from the two older archeologists.

"She growing up like her mother, let's just hope that he doesn't have her mother's taste in regards of choosing men." Natasha said after watching Elena walked away.

"Yes I know, don't rub it in. I already know that I'm a horrible husband and a horrible father, I don't need you reminding me constantly of that." Henry sighed in disappointment to himself.

Natasha looked at her friend with slight anger. "I still can't believe you have the guts to try to become their father after leaving them for ten years to follow that senseless dream of yours." Natasha scolded which earned her a glare from Henry.

"Let's just focus on the job at hand, not in my pass." Henry remarked as he shoved the folder towards Natasha and walked away towards his personal office. Natasha just shook her head as her friends antics.

'This guy would never learn, after losing the two women that he had ever loved, he still wouldn't learn his lesson.' Natasha thought as she followed Henry towards his office.