Dense as ever...

"Hey sis, what are you guys talking about?" Max asked as he sat down on the couch.

Max was a bit different compare to the person Ash traveled with. He had grown a two feet but still the smallest among the group. He still wore the glasses but wore different clothes. He now wore a white shirt and a green jacket, and black shorts. He was still not an official trainer but he only needs one more year before becoming an official trainer.

"Just reminiscing about our journeys with Ash." May answered his brother's question.

"Did you mentioned the time when Ash almost give us a heart attack because you decided to…." Max didn't finished his sentence when May hit him right on the head with her fist.

"We agree not to talk about that, ever again, remember." May reminded with a harsh tone.

"Sheesh, chill sis." Max said as he rub his head. May glared at her brother for a while before looking away from him with a grunt. The people in the living sweat drop a bit at the interaction of the two siblings.

"Are you kids' hungry? I and Delia have made some treats if you kids want." Johanna then offered some treats to the group. The group of teen accepted the treat wholeheartedly.

"Thanks Miss, Hikari." The group said in unison as they feast upon the treats that were offered to them.

"Oh don't thank me, Delia deserved much of the praise. She was whom cook most of it." Johanna said with humility. Delia would have none of that.

"Don't be like that Johanna, it is your recipe." Delia said with a laugh as she made some hand motions. After that, the mothers began a conversation.

"Looks like Delia had earned herself a new friend." Professor Oak mused.

"What do you expects gramps, she is Ash's mother." Gary said as he ate some treats. "Speaking of Ash, where is he? I haven't seen him since we arrive."

"Ash went out for his training early in the morning. He'll be back before lunch." Brock answered.

"Ash actually training, it looks like Ashy boy is taking his career much more seriously now." Gary said jokingly.

The doorbell rang as Gary finished his statement. The people in room knew that it was probably Ash, which was probably the reason why the girls in the room were racing towards the door but sadly Noelle beat them to the door.

"I'll get it." Noelle announced which cause the girls in living room to groan in disappointment. The boys and women in the room merely chuckled at the girls' misfortune while Brock sulked at his friend fortune in girls.

Noelle giggled at the girls' gullible reaction for a bit. "The Ash boy must be something special to gain such admirers." Noelle said in barely a whispered and she then opened the door, what she saw cause her to blush from head to toe. In front of her was Ash and his Pikachu but the thing made her blush furiously was because Ash was only wearing a jacket that reveals his tattered clothes and more importantly his luscious and well build body. She never would have thought that someone like Ash would have that sexy and muscled up body. She didn't notice her Bellossom positioning herself near her, just in case Ash does something inappropriate to her.

"Hey Noelle, sorry I'm late. I didn't notice the time when I'm training." Ash said as he apologized for his tardiness while rubbing the back of his head with his right hand, Pikachu as well mimics the movement of his trainer. Ash unknowingly shows off more of his body to Noelle causing her to blush even more.

"Wwweellle yyyooouu ssseeee, NNNNNoooooo." Noelle was shuttering and couldn't formed anymore words because of the sight of Ash's bare body was making it hard for her to speak.

Ash merely smiled at her, causing her to blush some more, and walked pass her while muttering the word, "Excuse me," Noelle then collapse on her knees and release the breathe that she was unknowingly holding.

'Ash is hot.' Noelle thought with an intense blush.

"Hey, Pikachu, do you know why is Noelle blushing?" Ash asked his faithful companion. Pikachu merely shook his head at the naivety of his 'brother'.

'(He could instantly notice why Elena is blushing and knows the reason why but when it comes to other girls, he is still totally clueless. I'm beginning to think that Elena is some kind of saint).' Pikachu thought as he gazed at his clueless trainer.