Arrival At Twinleaf

Ash was panting heavily, sweat was falling from his head to the ground as he glance at the four Pokémons in front of him with a big smile on his face. He had endured the best workout he had in a long time against four of his strongest Pokémons. He was lucky that professor Oak decided to bring the three of them to Sinnoh for him.

"You guys have been training a lot." Ash commented as he looked at the four of them with a prideful glance.

"(What do you expect from us? We are the elites of an Aura Prince, its only natural for us to remain in top shape)." Charizard roared as he slummed down to the ground "(But damn it Ash, could you tone down the power of those Aura Spheres of yours, I swear they hurt like hell)" Charizard grunted as he looked at his bruise wings.

"(Stopped whining you overgrown lizard. At least you got to doge half the onslaught, unlike you we can't fly)." Sceptile grunted in pain and in exhaustion as he tried to catch his breath, while lying on the ground. He was covered by so many bruised mark on his green body.

"(Blame evolution for that, you bloody chameleon. It isn't my fault that I have wings). Charizard snorted which earned him a weak Energy Ball on the back of his head.

"(Shut it before I Frenzy Plant your ass)." Sceptile threatened as he stood up with much difficulty.

"(You want to get your ass handed to you right now, you bloody chameleon)." Charizard roared as he stood face to face with Sceptile. The two dragon-like Pokémons attempted to intimidate each other with stares that could normally give a person a heart attack.

"(There they go again. I swear if those two won't stop trying to outdo each other, I would personally fry them)." Pikachu grunted, every part of his body aching in pain.

"(Do not blame them Pika, they just want to prove themselves to Ash that they are deserving of his real power)." Snorlax said in his semi-nap stage.

"(They already had done that)." Pikachu inquired with an annoyed expression.

Snorlax chuckled a bit after hearing that. "(That may be right but remember these two are very prideful. They desired to be Ash's left hand as you are Ash's right hand)." Snrolax said in a cryptic manner. Pikachu, already knowing what Snorlax meant, groaned in frustration.

"(They still can't get over me beating them at the same time, haven't they)?" Pikachu said in frustration as he watched the two glared at each other. (Hey Ash are you planning to….oh shit)." Pikachu said as he looked at the face of his partner.

That little outburst seems the attention of the others, even Charizard and Sceptile, as they looked at Pikachu.

"(Hey Pikachu, why are you cursing all of the sudden)?" Sceptile asked, pushing Charizard aside which earned him another death glare from the said Pokémon.

"(Look at Ash's face; he only makes that expression when she is in town)." Pikachu said with a tiresome sigh. The three Pokemons looked at their trainers and face and truth be told, they saw an expression Ash only gave to a certain white haired girl.

Ash was looking at the sky with a cheerful smile, his eyes were shinning happily, and happiness was written all over his face. His aura was pulsing all over the place and was giving a vibrant mood all around the area; his pulsing aura was creating an effect on the nature around him. Flowers were blooming beautifully in a fast pace and trees were growing even more. That only point to one thing on why their trainer is suddenly is so happy.

"(His white haired angel is here)." The four of them said in unison.

(Scene Change)

"That was a boring trip." A suave voice said in an aggravated manner.

"Considering that it was sudden and we don't have time to prepare, were lucky that we arrive in Twinleaf Town in six hours." Karen stated with an irate tone.

"And it was not that boring Justin, we got to see you get chase around by Sarah with Boss Adan's sledge hammer. If only Sarah hit you." Michale said as he carried some of their luggage. Behind him was Neil, whom was carrying a mountain of luggage on his shoulder while giving Justin an aggravated stare.

Justin snorted at the thought of that. "You are a natural comedian Michael, I'm already laughing uncontrollably." Justin said with sarcasm dripping with every letter.

Justin was a fifteen year old boy. He has long, spiky dark brown hair and lavender eyes. He was as tall as Elena and has a medium build body but more well developed compare to Michael. He was a prodigy when it comes to being in archeology not enough to be compared to Elena but enough to be Henry's apprentice. He was a nice guy but is very arrogant, a show off, and very boastful, much to the annoyance of the crew. He was also a playboy and a major flirt but the most annoying thing about him which earned him the aggravation of the entire crew, with the exception of Henry (whom just find this very humorous), was his huge crush towards Elena.

The reason why they are so annoyed by this is because; all of them know that he was undeserving of Elena's affection.

"So this is the hotel were staying, is not much but it'll do." Justin mumbled under his breath as he reached for his luggage, not even bothering in helping Michael and Neil, whom was carrying most of the luggage. That change when he heard a voice that he had learned to fear.

"Hey boy, you better be helping Neil and Michael or else I would make you sparring partner for a week." Adan snarled as he step-out of the Jet, with Elena, Sarah, and Koyuki by his side. Normally, Justin would have tried to flirt with Elena but having Adan, Sarah and Koyuki by her side made him thing otherwise, those three were the major cause of his pain every time she tried to flirt with Elena, especially Koyuki who wouldn't think twice on killing him if he ever step out of line.

"Yeah, you lazy punk. Henry isn't paying you to lazy around." Sarah snarled at him. Justin was about to give his snappy replied but resisted after seeing Henry and Natasha step out from the jet.

"Okay listened up." Henry shouted which cause everyone's attention to be reverted towards him. "We are only going to stay in Twinleaf for two days starting tomorrow. We are going to use the first day to join the festivities and the second day for restocking and supplying for this long job, we are going to stay in Sinnoh for a long time so well need all the supply we could buy." Henry instructed, the crew nodded in agreement on what he said, except for the twin whom groaned in disappointment.

"That means we wouldn't have enough time to shop for clothes." Michelle complained.

"Yeah, just one day wouldn't be enough." Tanya said with a disappointed sighed.

Michael on the other hand let out a sigh of relief after hearing that. "Thank Arceus, I wouldn't be drag away to carry more luggages." Michael said in relief. The twins glared at him lightly but he just ignored it.

"Don't worry girls; the start of the festival here in Twinleaf is tomorrow evening. They'll use the morning to set-up the shops and booths and the night will mark the start of the festival, its kind off a tradition here in Twinleaf to begin the festival during night, a night festival if you will. That would mean that we could spend tomorrow morning and afternoon for our shopping." Natasha stated which cause Michael to cry in dismay and for the twins to squeal in joy.

"So you guys would enjoy the first day and start working on the next day, right Henry?" Sarah asked as he gazed at her biological father. Henry merely nodded. "If that would be then I'm out." Sarah then began walking towards the exit of Twinleaf Town.

"Hey sis, you're not going to join in the festival." Elena inquired as she looked at her sisters retreating form.

"Sorry Elena but I can join you guys in the festival tomorrow. I needed to go in Lilypad Town, they seem to need my assistants in the Pokémon reserved there." Sarah said in an apologizing tone to her sister. Sarah then whipped her attention towards Justin. "If I hear that you hit on my sister again, I will castrate you using one of my Dragonite's old and decaying claws, understand that punk ass." Sarah threatened which earned him a flinch and a disgusted look on Justin's face. "Sarah then gave a smile towards both Natasha and Adan. "Bye, Papa Dan, bye Tasha, bye crew." Sarah then continued on walking towards the exit of TwinleafTown.

"Watch yourself Sarah." Adan shouted, Sarah merely gave him a thumps up to acknowledge that.

"Just call us if you ever need any assistants." Henry shouted but Sarah merely ignored him and continued walking until she dissapeard from view.

"Okay crew, let's get settle in for tonight and enjoy our time tomorrow." Adan announced as he picked up some of the luggage that Neil was holding and threw it towards Justin. Justin loses his balance as he caught the luggage but was able to keep his footing. "Don't lazy up kid, you may be Henry's apprentice but you're still going to help in the manual labor. You don't see me taking it easy when it comes to Neil." Adan stated as he looked at Justin with an annoyed expression.

Justin didn't complain knowing by experience that if he said something, he would earned himself the punishment of being Adan' sparring partner for a week and wrestling with Adan is not his idea of relaxation. Justin looked at Elena and smiled at her lustfully. "Do you want me to help you with your luggage Ele-dear?" Justin asked with hearts on his eyes.

Adan was put Justin into a head lock but was stop when Elena replied. "No thanks Justin, Koyuki is carrying my luggage and you're simply not my type." Elena bluntly stated as she walked pass by a dishearten Justin; Koyuki smirked at Justin as she followed her mother. "If anyone needs me I'll be at my room, I'm beat and need my sleep." Elena then proceed to walked towards the hotel, Koyuki on toe.

Michael and Karen were trying to hold their laughter at Elena's reply to one of Justin's lame attempts while the twin were laughing there ass off. Justin just shrugged off his dishearten mood and began planning on his new plan to court Elena. Natasha had merely shook her head and Henry just smiled, knowing that her daughter would never fall to someone so similar to him. Adan on the other looked at Elena with suspicion.

'Elena change so much in the past three years, how is that possible. Three years ago, Elena was a shy and timid girl but now she's the complete opposite. She changed when she returned from that forced break we gave three years ago but how or more likely who changed her?' Adan asked himself as he followed Elena inside the hotel.

Unknown to him, the answer to his question will be given tomorrow.