Back again...

"(That was one heck of a show)." Snorlax stated with a smile.

"(I'm just glad it's over)." Pikachu grumbled.

"(That was amazing; I never thought Ash could be so romantic)." Charizard said with tears falling down his eyes (Anime style).

"(He is such a sweet bastard)." Sceptile said as he wiped some tears that was falling from his eyes.

"(That's my 'father' for you)." Koyuki stated with pride.

Pikachu and Snorlax then glanced at the three only to see the three of them were embracing each other in a three way hug with tears animatedly falling down their eyes. The two of them sweat drop at the sight.

"(Those love-sick bastard)." Pikachu stated in a low tone.

(Scene Change)

"WHERE IN THE HELL IS HE." Misty yelled angrily and worriedly as she paced back in fort in the parking lot. "His been gone all day with just that bloody note, a bloody note didn't even tell us where he is."

"Relax Misty; Ash did say that he'll be back at 3:30." Brock said trying to calm his orange haired friend.

"His late, its 4:40 already, his a hour and ten minutes late." Misty shouted at Brock. Brock hastily back down a bit at the fear of being pummeled by his violent friend.

"If you traveled with him during the Battle Frontier, this thing is only vintage Ash." Max sighed at the remembrance of Ash monthly disappearance.

"Max has a point; Ash had been doing his disappearing act for three years now. You'll get used to it." Brock exclaimed which earned him a hit in the head by both Mist and Dawn.

"AREN'T YOU EVEN WORRIED ABOUT HIM WHEN EVER HE DISSAPEARS." Both of them yelled at Brock, Brock tend to his head as the two of them yelled at him.

May and Zoey giggled uneasily at their two friends. Zoey didn't exactly know what the issue is but it seems like it's a big deal to Ash's circle of friend. May on the other hand had a solemn and serious look on her face. She didn't knew what Ash was doing every time he disappeared but it was heart wrenching for her to see him that happy every time he reappears. It not like she was against seeing Ash happy, heck she was glad that he was happy but that happiness seems to causes her heart to ache in an unknown reason.

May then glance at Gary who had returned after an hour and a half in search for Ash, May noticed that Gary acted different when he returned to the group. It was like; Gary saw something that changed his perspective. May, curious at the sudden change, decided to talk to him a bit, he may have saw what Ash was doing.

"Hey Gary." May greeted with a low yet cheerful tone.

"Hey," Gary responded as he sat in the bench.

"So, did you found out what Ash is doing?" May asked hopefully.

"I didn't May, I'm not even sure anymore if I ever knew Ash." Gary said as he carefully molded his words. 'I can't tell them about what I saw. I need to talk to Ash and that Elena girl first before telling them. Plus I don't want to see any hearts crush in front of me.' Gary thought as he glanced at May.

May seems to be confused at that statement and was about to asked what he meant when a screamed cut through the air.

"ASH KETCHUM, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN MISTER." Misty and Dawn shouted in unison. The rest of the group look at the cause of the commotion and was met by the sight of Ash carrying a large shopping bag and Pikachu on his shoulder with a bored expression

Ash merely looked at them and smile. "Sorry I'm late, my nap was to comfortable for me to wake up." Ash stated with his best acting and deceitful tone.

(Scene Change)

"Where have you been Elena? You're forty minutes late, that's quite unlike you." Natasha stated with a calculative gazed upon the little prodigy.

"Sorry Tasha, I just got sidetrack a bit." Elena exclaimed with a bright smiled. Natasha seems to notice that totally bright and uncharacteristic smiled on Elena's faced and raised an eye brow in confusion.

"You seemed happy Elena, disturbingly happy." Natasha inquired with a sharp tone.

"It must be that nap I took on the roof today, I never felt so relaxed in days." Elena said with cheerful smile and a light blush on her face. Natasha would have question her more if it wasn't for Adan spitting a large amount of water that he was drinking to the faces of Justin and Michael followed by a frantic coughed. Justin and Michael's right eye twitch violently as they wipe the water mixed with saliva from their face.

"Papa Dan, you okay." Elena asked her second 'father'.

"I'm fine, 'coughed' I just tasted 'coughed' something 'coughed' disgusting." Adan said between his coughed. 'She doesn't smell like sex so it's safe to say that they didn't do it.' Adan thought uncomfortably.

Natasha looked at them with a gazed that could analyze and scare Satan himself. "You two know something that I don't but it's time for us to go. We need to get dress for the festival tonight," Natasha said as she pushed Elena inside the van. 'Adan had been acting strange lately and so does Elena when we arrive, I wonder.' Natasha though suspiciously.