Love is Simple

Elena waited patiently outside; the feeling in the air was tense. When the four men left the house, with frustrated and disappointed expression as usual, she thought that her Ash would come out as well, but she was wrong. The men said that the old woman seemed to take interest on Ash's answer to her riddle and made him stay, which caused the entire people who were lined up to be shocked. People who usually stayed in the hut of the old artisan were usually a candidate in having one of her world renowned jewels, it only happened once but all of them remembered that day like it happened just yesterday, not twenty years ago. So the crowd waited in anticipation, this may be the second time in the history of Twinleaf for a person to receive a jewel from the towns most famous and skilled artisan.

After thirty minutes, Ash exited the hut with an unreadable expression. The crowd seemed too tensed up as Ash exit. Elena quickly approached him.

"Did you get your answer?" Elena asked worriedly.

"Yeah, not the answer I wanted but it's still okay." Ash said with a sad sighed.

"That bad, huh." Elena said as she laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. The two of them were pretty much oblivious to the crowd who were watching them like hawks.

Ash shook his head. "Not that bad but it just confirmed my suspicion." Ash said as he walked passed her while holding her right arm.

"You're going to tell me later, right?" Elena asked as she was gently spun around and was met by a passionate kiss by Ash. Elena instantly melted to the kiss, her Ash seemed to be overly passionate tonight. She also felt excitement in the kiss; this was their first time kissing in public and it was extremely satisfying, for both of them. The crowd seemed to have different reactions in their little display of public affections, some girls squealed loudly at the sight, and the men merely muttered under their breath about being a lucky bastard or something.

As Ash pulled away from the kiss, much to Elena's disappointment, he took Elena's right hand and slipped a ring on her ring finger, before slowly walking pass her. Elena was a bit startled, while the crowd where shock, the kid just earned a jewel from the best jewel artisan in their town and in Sinnoh and he just gave it away that easily.

The ring was simple yet unique. The silver ring fit Elena's ring finger perfectly and the gemstone was specially and perfectly carved in the shape of the moon and has three pairs of wings, the color of the gem was white, glimmering white. The gemstone was perfectly carved into that shape and it was reflecting the light of the stars and the moon abovr. The jewel was first class.

Elena slightly giggled at the sight of her new jewelry. "You adore crystals, and jewelry to an extent, yet you refused to wear even one." Elena said in a giggle.

"It's not that I don't want to wear jewels, is just that I prefer the jewelry that I have to be wore by the most beautiful lady I know." Ash then looked at her with the smile that he only showed Elena, which melts girl's heart at closed range and Elena was not an exception. "I prefer them to be worn by you, Elena." Ash said with a soft tone.

Elena blushed intensely at that, she has been called by Ash as the most beautiful lady he had ever seen before but this time, Ash said it with eyes that burned with intense passion and love that she hadn't seen before. Ash then extended his right hand to her. "Come on now. That ring is not the gift that I wanted to give you, the gift that I want to give still lies on the end of this town." Ash said with a gently smile. Elena shrugged her blush of and took Ash's hand and intertwined it with hers. The two of them then began walked away from the crowd.

The crowd who were watching the little show in front of them had a light blush on their faces, each and every one of them. The girls on the crowd looked at Ash with adoration and admiration in their eyes while muttering to their boyfriends about how they should treat them like that, and the boys glared at Ash because he just raised the bar on how to be a man on the relationship.

(Scene Change)

"Whoa." That was the only thing Brock could say after that display of affection that Ash gave Elena. His brain was in complete malfunction, how could someone like Ash be that damn smooth went it comes to the girls.

Gary on the other just stayed silent. What Ash just said to that girl was not a pick up line, it was not even a corny line, it was the truth.

"Hey Brock." Gary said as he stood up. Brock looked at Gary with a dim expression. "Let's go, I got a feeling that whatever the gift that Ash will give her is something that would change his life and our lives forever." Gary then walked away stealthy, avoiding the gazed of the two Pokémons who were watching above.

"Whoa," Brock repeated, still not believing in what he saw.

(Scene Change)

"That guy is probably the most perfect boyfriend." Natasha stated with a light blush.

Adan looked at her with a disturb expression. "Please don't go crushing on my nephew and his already taken." Adan exclaimed.

"Sorry but I can't help it. His smooth, his a gentleman, he knows how to make a girl feel special, he knows what a girl wants, and not to mention his handsome like an Adonis and I would bet that he has the body to match. If only I'm fifteen years younger…." Natasha trailed off with a light blush on her face.

"Make a move on my nephew, Elena will skin you alive." Adan muttered. Adan then looked at Ash and Elena with a smile.

'This two, their like the reincantation of Alexander and Relena. I feel like I'm watching a perfect romance that didn't even happen.' Adan thought with a small smile.