Song of Nature

Thanks to Ash's Aura enhance speed, Ash and Elena arrived at the clearing in mere moments. The clearing was beautiful and truly a natures blessing, a beautiful meadow of grass and trees and a lake beside it that reflects the moon and stars. Ash smiled at the beauty of the clearing before gently dropping Elena on the nearest tree, laying her head gently on the tree stumps. "Pikachu, Koyuki, you guys could go down now." Ash called out his two favorite Pokémons.

In a flash of Electricity, for Pikachu, and Aura, for Koyuki, the two Pokémons appeared in front of Ash, the two were panting lightly. "You two did well tonight, thank you." Ash stated in gratitude.

The two Pokémons smiled at Ash's compliment which Ash returned with a smile of his own before gesturing them to sit beside Elena. The two of them nodded and approach Elena, the two of them sitting beside her.

Ash smiled at them before heading towards the small lake that was near the clearing, which confused Elena a bit. "Hey Ash, what are you doing?" Elena asked.

Ash gave Elena a smile before saying. "Just watch." With that Ash threw a Poke ball in the air and with a flash, it releases an oddly color Feebas which quickly dived down the lake.

Ash chuckled at the little Pokémons little reaction; he can't blame her for that. Ash then kneeled down beside the lake and touched the surface of the water. "Come on now little Feebas, don't be afraid." Ash said as he sends a pulse of his Aura to the entire lake. That caused the desire effect, every water type Pokémons that inhabit the lake rose up and looked at Ash before bowing their heads in respect. That also caused the Feebas that Ash released to rose up and also bowed at him, with eyes filled with shame.

The Feebas was quite unique if compare to its kind. It's was slightly smaller than the normal Feebas and its coloring was unique, instead of the usual brown scale and blue fins, the color of this Feebas was mix with colors of the rainbow and its fins were pitch white. Its skin were rough and rugged, giving the colors an unattractive shine.

Ash then glanced at the oddly colored Feebas and smiled. "You truly are a unique creature." Ash praised the Feebas which cause it to cry in glee.

"So this is the Pokémon you captured on that large aquarium, it looks cute." Elena commented as she approach Ash and the Feebas, the Feebas quickly hid behind Ash's hand at the sight of a new human.

"Don't be afraid of her, she's a very remarkable person." Ash stated with an assuring smile. The Feebas nodded and swam closer towards Elena; Elena smiled before she sat down near the lake and extended her right arms towards the unique Feebas. Feebas looked at her hand for a second before she caress Elena's hand with her body. Elena giggled at the feeling of Feebas smooth body.

Ash smiled at Elena's reaction to Feebas before standing up and taking a couple of steps back. He then took a crystal shard that was shape in a from a violin before pouring some Aura onto it, in an instant, the crystals shard expand and enlarge. After a second, the crystal shard now looked like a violin case.

Ash opened the violin case and took his violin (the one he got last afternoon) and placed it on his shoulder. He then took the bow and gently laid it on the string of the instrument. He then looked at Elena's smiles before closing his eyes and began playing his violin.

Elena's attention was completely on the unique Feebas but when she heard a peaceful yet beautiful melody, she can't help but smiled and looked at her Ash whom was playing his violin. Every single living thing, humans and Pokémons alike, attentions were diverted towards Ash.

The melody that Ash was playing was a bit different than the melody he played for Elena just this afternoon. Unlike the melody that Ash played last afternoon that was like a hundred songs mixed into one, this melody was more like tune that sailed peacefully and freely into the air. The tune was peaceful and calm that it emits a mood of peace and calmness all around the area. The wind itself seemed to be affected by the melody because a gentle breeze of wind was seemingly covering Ash as he played his violin.

After ten minutes, Ash stopped his playing, signaling the end of the musical piece, and smiled at his audience, especially at Elena and Feebas. Feebas was extremely happy from the performance and jumped in the air, a bright light was suddenly emitted by Feebas which caught the attention of everybody.

"Ash, is she…" Elena asked excitedly as she backed away from the evolving Feebas and stood beside Ash.

"Yeah, I think she is. I never thought she'll evolve after hearing the Melody of my Nature." Ash chuckled as he held his violin tightly in his left hand and held Elena's shoulder with his right.

After a moment, the light disappeared revealing the most elegant Milotic that the two had ever seen. Instead of the usual body of a usual Milotic, this Milotic's entire body was covered with the color of the rainbow as coloration of her body; her eyes were glimmering like silver, her tail was covered with lavender and pink like scales, with striations of white and an uncharacteristic eight large scales on the tip of her tail, and long, thin white 'eyebrows' extending from above its eyes and thicker, also white-colored hair-like fins draping from the sides of her head. She was also larger than the normal Milotic, roughly three feet larger. If Milotics is said to be breathtakingly beautiful, then this Milotic's beauty is to die for. This Milotic's beauty was truly divine

The Milotic let out a melodic like sound as she shrill in bliss, she finally evolve.

Ash then gently let go of Elena and walked towards the newly evolve Milotic. Milotic, noticing Ash was walking towards her, quickly jumped out of the water and wrapped her long body to Ash, symbolizinng a hug. "(Thank you so much, your highness)," Milotic said in appreciation in what Ash did.

"Don't thank me, you were about to evolve in the first place. You just needed a little push." Ash stated as he patted her head gently. Milotic let out another melodic shrill of happiness as she felt the prince touch her, for Pokémons it was a remarkable honor to be touch by an Aura Prince.

Elena giggled at Ash and his new Pokémons interactions which caused Ash to glance at her for a moment before looking back at the unique Milotic. "Hey Milotic, do you know why I went so far just catch you while I was on that aquarium like booth, when I could have caught another Pokémon?" Ash asked in a whisper.

Milotic looked at Ash and shook his head into a no. Ash lightly laughed at that. "Glance at that girl behind me Milotic and tell me what you think of her." Ash commanded with a soft tone.

Milotic did what she was told and glanced at Elena's eyes before glancing back at Ash. "(She's such a special person, you meant so much for her and she met so much for you as well. She has nothing but love for you). Milotic stated in a awe.

Ash chuckled at what Milotic said. "Then you know how important she is to me, she is my entire life and I don't want anything harmful that would happen to her, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to her and I'm not there to protect her. I know Koyuki is very capable of protecting her but still…." Ash said in uncertainty.

"(That Koyuki, you are referring to that white Lucario, right your highness)." Milotic asked which Ash answered with nod. "(That Koyuki seemed to be so powerful, I could feel her Aura all the way here)." Milotic said as she glanced at Koyuki whom was now standing next to Elena, together with Pikachu.

"I know but it's not enough for me to sleep well at night." Ash whispered in a sad tone. "Your right, Koyuki is very powerful, the most powerful Lucario in the world, but she can't read the intention of others but you can. You could know if people have good or bad intentions towards her and you could use your power to calm them, the fact that you could match my strongest non-elite Pokémon of mine is a major plus. She'll be your trainer and master, so please I'm begging you, not as an Aura Prince, but as a human being that love someone with all his being, protect her, for my sake." Ask beg with a lone tear falling from his eyes.

Milotic didn't have to be told by again. Having an Aura Prince beg and shed a tear for someone is truly a person worth protecting and worth giving her life for. Without another word, she detached herself from Ash and quickly jumped towards Elena. "Thank You." Ash said in ecstasy, he could finally sleep well at night, knowing that another powerful Pokémon is protecting her.

Milotic hurriedly embraced Elena with her sinuous body with affection. "(Hello my new mistress, I'm Milotic your new Pokémon and body guard)." Milotic declared happily. Elena seemed to slightly shocked about that while Pikachu and Koyuki sighed in relief, there was finally a second Pokémon guarding her.

"Why me? You could have served an Aura Prince you know, that's a larger honor for a Pokémon to serve a prince than an ordinary person like me." Elena exclaimed.

Milotic merely laughed softly at that. "(His highness gave me this sacred mission to protect you and that is what I'm going to do. If you had manage to make him fell in love with you to the extent that he, one of the most powerful and most respected deity in this world, beg and shed a tear, then that would mean you are the most important person in this world and I already like you, your emotions are nothing but pure and I also admire you, your intension towards the prince are all good)." Milotic stated happily.

Elena looked at Ash with a tearful expression; he really did everything just to ensure she's safe, even giving her another one of a kind Pokémon. "Ash, this Milotic is one of a kind. What should we name her?" Elena asked trying to hold back a tear.

"Pluvia, that's Latin for rain. It's fitting because after the rain, a rainbow always appears. " Ash said, not even facing her.

Elena smiled at that. "Then that settles it, I'll be calling you Pluvia. Is that okay, Milotic?" Elena asked with a smiled as she caressed Milotic neck."

"(Pluvia, I like the name)." Milotic said with a giggled. She then looked at both Pikachu and Koyuki, who gave her a smile of friendship which Milotic returned with a smile of her own.

"Elena," Ash called out, his voices cutting the very air that he breath.

"What is it Ash?" Elena asked as she caressed the body of Milotic.

"I know I'm being selfish, but I want you to look at me and only me." Ash stated as he suddenly turned and look at Elena before placing his violin over his shoulder preparing to play.

Elena looked at Ash confusedly before looking at him right in the eyes, what she saw were emotions that told her that Ash was about to pour something out to her. Elena then merely looked at Ash with a adoration and anticipation, her concentration was completely on Ash, the world doesn't exist to her.

Ash smiled at her before closing his eyes. "When we were at the rooftop of the mall last afternoon, you ask me to play my heart, to be honest with you, I never was more afraid in my life when you ask that off me. I was afraid that when you hear the Melody of my Heart, that you will leave me and that is a fate worse than dead to me. I was afraid that you'll realize that my heart wasn't that pure to be worthy of you. But right now, I decided to let you hear this heart of mine because it already belongs to you." Ash said with a bittersweet tone before playing the most enchanting and haunting melody that the world hadn't yet heard.

This melody was strange; it was unlike anything Ash ever played with his flute or anything he played with his violin. The only thing to describe the melody was its hauntingly, it was nerve racking, it was bone chilling, it was frightening, and most importantly, it was strangely enchanting. The melody might have come from the scariest horror film but it was strangely lively, it was gentle, it was magnificent, it was soothing, and it was downright enchanting. The melody was both the most disturbing and most beautiful music she had ever heard all of her life. It was strange that contrasting melodies could combine into one majestic sound.

She was not the only one who shared these thoughts.

(Scene Change)

"I never thought that Ash could play something this good on an instrument." Brock said in awe at Ash's musical skill.

"It has been ten years since I've heard this." Gary said in a soft yet cheerful tone.

"Ten years? You mean to tell me that Ash has been playing the violin since he was five." Brock asked trying not to distract himself from the beautiful concerto.

"Yeah, Ash was a natural violinist; he has the skills to actually become a professional. This sure brings memories." Gary whispered happily.

Brock smiled at his friends before looking back at Ash, this was one concerto he would remember for as long as he lived.

(Scene Change)

Adan and Natasha were enjoying the concerto as they glanced at the boy. That boy was truly remarkable.

"There's no mistake about it, that boy is truly Alexander's son. No one but a Ketchum could play a violin like that." Adan complimented as he enjoyed the beautiful concerto.

"This reminds me why I enjoyed classic music." Natasha said, trying to hum the tune that the violin was producing.

"Stop humming woman, you're ruining the music." Adan scolded nonchalantly. That earned him a punched on the gut from Natasha..