revelations pt 1

Ash slowly opened his eyes; he had just woken up to a wonderful sleep. He attempted to sit up but instantly felt that there was an extra weight on his chest, when he glanced at his chest, he smiled seeing Elena cuddled over his chest, sleeping peacefully with a peaceful smile. Ash sighed in relief as he scanned her hotel room, he thank Arceus that no one had discovered them sleeping in the same bed while he was shirtless and while she was wearing that kind of clothing. Ash scanned the room, trying hard not to disturb his Goddess; he looked at the door to see Koyuki and Pikachu sleeping at the front of the door, barricading it, he smiled at how those two often help them kept their relationship a secret, he then glance at the window to see outside, he quickly notice that it was still night time, so he glance at the small clock to see the time, the time was 5:45AM.

'So I slept for six hours.' Ash thought before glancing at the Goddess beside him.

Ash smiled as he glance at her beautiful face before caressing it with one of his hands, tracing and memorizing every detail of her beautiful face. He then glanced at her body and blush heavily, he still can't believe that she wore something like that while they were sleeping; she was currently wearing a very revealing and very sexy white nightgown, the nightgown perfectly fitS her, showing off all her curves, and the silk was so transparent that he could see her undergarments that she wore under her nightgown. He blush furiously once again, remembering how seductive she was last night, he thank Arceus for giving him a will of steel because if he hasn't, well let's just say that the two of them will still be awake, doing things that would make an X-rated movie looked like church.

Ash chuckled bitterly and humorously after remembering how their date ended and how she insisted for them to sleep together in her hotel room.


Six people were currently sat around on the grass field beside a beautiful lake and above the moon. Four of them were uncomfortably sited thanks to the glare coming Ash and Koyuki, Elena, who was being held by Ash rather protectively, and Pikachu sighed, if the people in front of them play their cards wrong, well let's just say they'll be having an early grave. Elena, after recovering from the shock that Ash was the nephew of her father figure, talk to Ash to not hurt them. Ash complied, albeit grudgingly, and now they are now sitting in a circle, tension in the air.

Elena seeing the tension in the air, decided to at least lighten the mood a bit. "Ash, could we eat now." Elena asked sweetly.

Ash looked at her and smile before taking a crystal from his pocket. "You four, move a bit. You're going to eat with us." Ash stated with a sharp tone as he threw the crystal towards the center before throwing an Aura Sphere. Gary and Brock, knowing the destructive power of that Aura Sphere quickly jumped away, while Adan and Natasha merely back away a couple of inches. When the Aura Sphere contacted with the crystal, the crystal expanded into a large lotus flower.

"Well, what are you peopling doing? Enter so we can eat, don't make Elena wait." Ash ordered coldly. Elena shook his head in embarrassment; she could have sworn she heard Natasha giggled.

"You know, I don't know whether I should be afraid or I should be happy. We're going to have a picnic with Elena and her boyfriend, which happened to be your nephew and an Aura Guardian." Natasha said with a giggle.

"Just don't do anything stupid. I think Ash is on the verge of killing us." Adan stated uneasily, seeing how powerful his nephew made him a bit nervous and scared.

"Don't tell say that to me, say that to those kids over there." Natasha said as she pointed at Gary and Brock who has astonished and shocked expression on their faces. "Those two will literally say something that would cause your nephew to snap." Natasha then entered inside the large crystal lotus.

Adan looked behind them to see both boys. "Gary, do you still remember me?" Adan asked.

Gary, snapping out from his shock, nodded. Adan was the person who was hard to forget. "How can I forget you? You taught me and Ash how to fight when we were four." Gary replied with a slight grin.

Adan smiled, he was glad that he had left an impression. "Good then please talk to that friend of yours to be modest at this little picnic, I don't want to die." Adan stated as he entered the large lotus flower.

Gary nodded and looked at Brock. "Brock..." Gary called out.

"I know." Brock merely replied. This night was the craziest night in his life.

The two of them then entered the large crystal lotus, what they saw amazed them. The crystal lotus was like a large table and at the middle of it was a round table filled with different kinds of foods, hot out of the oven. This table was probably the most expensive table in the world, and it was made by a small crystal.

"Let's eat people." Ash stated as he picked up two plates and put some food on it. The group nodded and sat down but before they could pick up some plates, Ash spoke. "Firsts things firsts, Koyuki, please remove those necklaces that they are wearing." Ash commanded.

With one fell swoop, Koyuki used Extreme Speed with such fines, that she took the necklace that the four of them were without disturbing the table or actually hurting them. She then appeared beside Ash and gave him the four necklaces. Ash looked at it and sighed. "I really don't know how you got this but next time that I found any of you wearing this, I'll bash your heads painfully." Ash stated as he crush the four necklace with his bare hands. "Now we could eat." Ash said as he feed Elena a piece of salad. Elena seemed to expect Ash's action because she just shrugged it off and ate the piece of salad that Ash fed her.

The four of them gulped before taking some plates and putting some food on it, this will truly be an interesting picnic.

(After twenty minutes) (I am not going to explained how they ate).

After devouring the food in front of them, both Gary and Brock still in shock that Ash could cook so damn well (Brock made a mental note to asked the recipes from Ash), the six people were now sited quietly while Ash and Elena whispered quietly to each other.

"Are you sure?" Ash asked with a bit uncertainty in is tone of voice. The four people raised an eyebrow at that.

"They already found out anyway, we could at least answer some of their questions." Elena remarked as she looked at the four people in front of them.

The four of them looked confused for a moment but Ash then looked at them. "If you guys want to ask questions, ask them now. Please limit them." Ash said lowly.

The four seemed to be shock at that but Adan decided to capitalized upon the opportunity. "When did you guys started dating?" Adan asked with enthusiasm and curiosity.

Ash and Elena sighed at that question, they've expected that. "After the Hoenn League. The two of us have been frequently and secretly meeting after we met by accident after me, Brock, and Misty separated after my journey through Johto ended." Ash answered with a smiled, reminiscing the first time they met.

"So you guys met after we separated, how did that happen?" Brock asked, now remembering how the group first separated.

Ash and Elena chuckled at that. "We have those Dragonites and that storm to thank for our first meeting." Elena said with a chuckled.

"Yeah, I never thought I'll meet the love of my life while fending off a herd of Dragonites." Ash said with a laugh.

Gary and Natasha laughed at that, the two of them were curious but they don't want to know what Ash did to those Dragonites. "Okay I'll ask for details later." Natasha said as she looked at the couple. "Why did you two kept this a secret? The two of you do know that your relationship would be much easier if your friends and family know about it." Natasha inquired.

Both Ash and Elena looked at Natasha skeptically. "Let me asked you a question, Tasha. If I say to my father and to the others that I'm dating someone that they don't even know existed, the others would make an annoying fuss about it and my father and sisters will probably make my and Ash lives miserable. I can't put Ash in that scenario." Elena exclaimed passionately.

Ash held Elena protectively as he laid her head on his chest. "The two of us agreed to keep our relationship a secret until we both have the decency to tell our friends and family in our terms. We always met twice a month for two days, so that would explained my disappearance every month during the Battle Frontier and during here in Sinnoh, that would also explain why Elena always take a break during her job." Ash further explained.

"You know, in our line of work in the company, we have two weeks break." Natasha stated as she looked at how Ash held Elena.

"I know but if she stays with me for more than two days, I promise you, you wouldn't see her in Arceus knows when." Ash stated with a serious tone.

Natasha nodded and smile, the boy was a passionate as his father. "You know Ash, you remind me of your father. He was as passionate as you." Natasha said softly.

"You know my father?" Ash asked in shocked.

Before Natasha could answer, Adan interrupted her. "Yeah, we know him. He is my best friend after all and he is married to my sister." Adan stated which caused Brock to gasped in shock.

"You and Ash are related?" Brock suddenly asked. Gary slapped his forehead, he wasn't even listening.

"Yeah, his my uncle." Ash answered calmly. "I hadn't seen you for ten years but I gave you my thanks." Ash said sincerely as he bowed at his uncle. "Thank you for taking care of Elena when she was a child."

Adan was taken back at that but just smiled and waved his hand. "Don't thank me, I promise their mother to take care of her and her sisters. Their father was worthless after all." Adan said with a smile.

"I still can't believe that my two favorite men are related, and you two didn't even tell me." Elena said in disbelief.

Ash hurriedly apologizes. "Sorry but when you first mentioned him to me, I wasn't sure if he was really my long-lost uncle, sorry for not telling you." Ash said in apology.

"Not to worry, at least you don't have to ask him his blessing in the near future." Elena said as she dismissed that fact.

"Okay, moving on. When did you become an Aura Guardian, Ash?" Gary asked all of the sudden.

Ash expression quickly turned serious. "I can't answer that question. All I can tell you is that I began my training when we visited Cameran Palace, end of story." Ash said in a voice that does not leave anymore conversation.