Quite interesting ....

"That was a good meal." Sarah complimented as she gave her plate to Brock.

Brock instantly went to love mode after hearing that. "Oh my fine angel, you should not compliment for such a mere meal that wasn't worthy of entering your delicate mouth, but if you want I caould make you a feast that would satisfy an angel such as yourself. For I…" Much to Sarah's great pleasure, Croagunk appeared and gave Brock a swift Poison Jab which caused Brock to collapse to the ground. Croagunk then drag the paralyze Brock away from Sarah.

"The pain, the indescribable pain," Brock muttered in anguish.

"(Stop embarrassing me, why did I have to be captured by you and not by the prince)." Croagunk muttered silently.

Sarah chuckled uneasily and with a sweat drop as she watched how Croagunk assaulted his trainer, it was very entertaining. She then glanced to the three girls and the nerdy boy who was groaning at his actions to their idol.

"Does this happen a lot?" Sarah asked which the four nodded in dismay.

"He still hasn't changed, since the time I was in the group; he always acted this way with anyone who has a pretty faced and breast." Misty stated in great annoyance.

Sarah giggled at that, the group seemed very interesting. Sarah then thought of an ingenious idea. She smiled at the brilliance of this idea.

"Hey ladies, do you want to have a battle with me, for the heck of it." Sarah offered with a mischievous smile. The girls perked up at that, a battle with her would be an honor for them.

"SURE," The girls replied in unison. Sarah smiled, they were very easy to manipulate.

"But first, could you ladies tell me about that Ash boy, he seems to be very interesting." Sarah asked in a calm tone, hiding her hidden motives in asking them that question.

The girls seemed to not notice her hidden motives and proceeded to answer that question. "Ash, well to be honest with you his quite a simple minded guy." Misty stated with a sighed. She knows Ash better than anyone in this room.

Sarah looked at Misty encouraging her to go on. Misty complied with Sarah's unasked request. "I was probably the first and longest person to have ever travelled with Ash, I could some him up as a naïve, stubborn, and clueless guy. During my journey with him, he always sprouts that he will become the greatest Pokémon Master and always thrives to be the best. Ash is probably the luckiest trainer that I have ever seen because even though he seldom trains (as far as she knows) but he still manages to beat trainers that are more talented than him or trains harder than him. His also very passionate in everything he does, whether it be Pokémons or helping people, he always is passionate, especially in helping people." Misty finished as she remember the time she spend with Ash.

"So he doesn't train that often." Sarah inquired, a bit disappointed at Ash.

"Well in Ash's defense, we always run across people who needed are helped, Ash purposely slack off in training because he prefers in helping those people with their problems." Misty said, defending her crush.

"I see, so his a kind hearted person who neglects his dreams for a while to helped people." Sarah concluded with a bright smile.

"Exactly," May said, suddenly, entering the conversation. "He could have won the Hoenn League but he spends half his time in training in helping me as a coordinator during his journeys in Hoenn." May said in a low and sad tone.

Sarah looked at her and placed her hand on her shoulder in a comfortable way. "Go on May, it'll be easy to say it out loud." Sarah advised with a comforting smile.

May nodded and began to tell her view on Ash. "You see, at the start of my journey, I wasn't that interested in Pokémon." That earned some gasp from Sarah and Misty. "Believe it, when I first started my journey, I just wanted to see the whole world but Ash changed my perspective. He showed me the wonderful world of Pokémon, he showed me the beautiful world of Pokémon and I was hooked ever since. He also helped me with my training, teaching me the ropes. If it weren't for Ash, I would still be in somewhere lost in Hoenn with a dizzy Torchic." May finished with a giggle and a light blush.

"Yeah, if it weren't for Ash, May would probably be just an ordinary girl with a Pokémon." Max commented snidely. May choose to ignore her brother.

"So he also won't hesitate to teach you the basic huh, the kid is quite compassionate." Sarah remarked, already impress with the kids background. Sarah then looked at Dawn, expecting her to say something. "What about you Dawn? What do you think of Ash?" Sarah asked, already expecting something on the lines of a 'daredevil'.

Dawn seemed to be uncomfortable about talking about this topic but complied at her request, a battle with a legend was on the line after all. "My first expression of Ash was an over-confident, talented, overly lucky, quite dashing, and kind hearted person. He always helped people at the kindness of his heart; he won't hesitate to risk his life to save anyone, and he will forget his pride for the greater good. That was my first expression to Ash." Dawn commented with a smile.

The three girls and Max seemed confused at that, first expression of Ash, what does that mean. Dawn then continued, oblivious to the confused look the others were giving him. "But that changes after six months of travelling with him. Ash was all of that and more, but mostly he's mysterious." Dawn finished with a sad look.

The three was now truly confused, mysterious, how so? Luckily Brock had heard all of it and explained to the group. "I think Dawn is trying to tell how good Ash is in keeping a secret." Everyone's attention was then diverted to Brock. "Think about it, the way Ash and Pikachu battle that we had never seen before with the technique that we had never seen before, with the techniques that would probably take years to even perform. Ash probably developed those moves behind our back for five years when he traveled with us. Considering that he had hid those techniques from us for five years, how many secret have Ash kept from us? Have you guys though about that?" Brock asked, not telling them about Ash's two most cherish secret.

'I told them about that, Ash would literally eradicate me.' Brock though, remembering about Ash being an Aura Prince and about Elena.

The group that traveled with Ash seemed to stop and think about what Brock just said. Brock was right, how many secrets did Ash kept from them. Sarah on the other hand looked at Brock suspiciously, she was an expert in reading people and she could tell that Brock was keeping something from them but decided not to pester. Her interest with Ash also increase after learning that, she concluded that he may be the only that she could fall for.

Max then noticed something. "Hey. Where did Ash go? His been gone for a while now." Max commented, noticing the Ash was not in the room.

"Ash told us that he was going to visit Heatran, he told us that Electronic Recovery could heal the injuries but not the pain." Misty reminded.

Their conversation was interrupted when a professor suddenly barged in the room. "Professor Sarah, you got to see this." The man stated breathlessly, it was very obvious that the man was exhausted from running.

"Hey Emile, what's the matter?" Sarah asked, confused on why one of her colleagues just run and asked her to come with them.

"Sarah, you got to see this, that boy is doing something amazing with the Heatran, its amazing." Emile said with an amaze tone.

That was all they needed to hear and rush towards the place where the Heatran and probably Ash is.